Hi everyone. I found this site like 30 minutes ago and I am amazed that there is a forum for my type engine. Everyone I talk to elsewhere says 'throw your engine away and get a V8'. Ha.
Anyways, I just got into a car accident, ripped the quarter panel on the driver side and I decided it was time to get a new car. So I'm going to be getting some little commuter car, like a civic or a corolla or something. My plans for my '90 Firebird v6 are a little more ambitious. I've never really done an engine rebuild, but I figure the only way to learn is to get in there and do it, so as soon as I get my new civic or whatever, I'll immediately proceed to ripping my engine out and doing all kinds of cool stuff with it. The problem is, I don't know what kinds of cool stuff I could do. I recently read that the 3.1 is a stroked 2.8 - does that mean there's no room for improvement? And my heads are iron right? If I wanted to have a machine shop bore my cylinders, what sizes would be supported by everything else? That is, can I bore my 3.1 to a 3.4? I'm planning on replacing almost everything except the block - with 226,000 miles and a previous owner who was car clueless I expect lots of things to be worn or scratched or out of round or whatever. Where should I start? If I can stroke it, will I have to replace my crank shaft? How much room do I have? Can I grind my current one down or is that a stupid question? Assuming money and time isn't an issue, what else can I do? New heads, camshaft, upper end? What have other people done? Try to talk to me like I'm a retard, because like I said, I'm brand new to this whole thing. But I have plenty of time to do it right, so I need to know what I should start looking at. Do I need a new transmission? Can I put a blower on it? What kind of blower is more feasible for this engine? I hear turbo, why not supercharger? How about twin turbo? What can this engine handle? How much play do I have with it? If you were replacing lots of stuff on the engine, what would be the first thing to replace so everything else can be built around it? I don't know, I just want to make this car something I can be proud of. Next time someone asks me about my car, I don't want to say with a drawn face that it's just the V6. I want to tell them it's a just a V6 and then dust them at the red lights.
I'm trying to break into the super mechanical realm - where do I start?
