okay... i am sooooo confused... let me just start off by saying i have a pontiac fiero, 86, with the 3.4L engine. the same one in the picture on westcoastfiero.com ..... it looks precisely like the 2.8 original v6, except minus the actual fiero logo on top... where oh where, can i find parts for that engine, besides fierostore.com (which all the parts i ordered, about 5 plus, including a clutch, cables, and other things all broke...)... and number two... what is the engine name... wikipedia says it might be l44, and so does yahoo answers... on this site, someone said it was an l32... and on another forum, the l44 was described as the origninal motor in the fiero.... i cant find performance parts for this thing, and no one knows what engine it is, can someone please help me? that and the fact they havent had oem parts from gm since 91... can anyone find specs for that motor, just above all please help!!! any parts sites that you can find for the engine itself would be great.... thanks. Another Confused Fiero owner... just kidding...
