Well I'm running a stock 3400 only .030 over, and its running around 19ms PW to get a 902 O2 reading at around 4473 rpm, and thats with the Fuel trims locked in at 0%, aka 128 BLM for the OBD1 guys... (I think) And thats comanding a 12.2 A/F... Not sure if that was before or after I tweaked my PE settings down... I think its after because before it would command a 10.8 and be in the 22 to 24 PW on the injectors.
Should I jump to 24#? Remember this is all on my stock 3400... I have a ported Hybrid with a stage 1 cam going in shortly...
Should I jump to 24#? Remember this is all on my stock 3400... I have a ported Hybrid with a stage 1 cam going in shortly...