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custom headers

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  • custom headers

    Ok, so i searched and didn't come up with much in the first 3 pages. I have been looking for pics of custom headers and ideas.

    I have also read a bunch of crap including the two article in engine tech on headers.

    Basically, i need some help with ideas and also on the primary length including the formula listed in the header article on this site.

    This is a very rough pic i sketched in paint. If I am going to have custom headers I might as well have a custom oil pan so I can have a better setup......

    thoughts, ideas, input, help?
    Attached Files


  • #2
    Why not do them like this?
    Lifting my front wheels, one jack at a time.


    • #3
      yah what he said, i would just use the ss headers and modify them for what you want

      but if you are going to go custom on the oil pan, still go over the trans with the crossover and make a dry sump syst. full race end of story

      or just do zoomies out the hood, talk about custom....then add flamethrowers for the girls, chicks dig a 2 foot high tower of flame


      • #4
        yes but if i was going to do that I would have kept my TOGs, don't you think the design I have drawn will be much easier to make equal length primaries and flow better? Not to mention no headaches so many bends around and over the tranny......

        definately have to think about the dry sump system.......



        • #5
          What the book says

          I've been doing alot of reading. The only thing to question on your design IMHO, is the runner length. I am given to understand you want not less than 22 " on the primaries and ideally 34-36" into a 2.5" secondary.

          Other than that, the design makes alot of sense.

          Arn Brown


          • #6
            what are your number for length based off of? I am looking at 1 3/4" primaries into a 3" secondary......



            • #7
              What I learned

              I have a couple of sources. I have questioned XLR8ING, who has built up a pretty impressive knowledge. He has designed a killer twin throttle body intake. I've been talking to alot of other pretty knowledgable rodders as well. Everybody has steered me to maximum 1.5" pipe. Some even contend 1&3/8" is even better.

              I also have a book entitled Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems by Philip Smith and John Morrison. They did engine research in Britain.

              The 1&3/4 pipe is just a little too fat for the size of our engines. The 34-36 in. length is pretty much the standard for full length headers for the V6's to gain resonance.

              Hope this helps.

              Arn Brown


              • #8
                Why not just do like the 3500 and route the front under and to the side where the oil pan is already notched?
                89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
                Follow the build ->


                • #9
                  my exhaust manifolds were yanked off previously when i snagged my 3500, any pics?



                  • #10



                    • #11
                      Pics of the manifold doesn't really matter. The fact remains, just look at any 3x00 oil pan and you can see in the front (left side) where there is a bump up in depth. As long as your chassis has clearances in this area, I'd try and run the exhaust in that area.
                      89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
                      Follow the build ->


                      • #12
                        the 3500 pan isn't notched any more than the 3400 pan is...

                        running the primaries under the pan opens yourself up for a world of hurt.. that thin tubing can't take much abuse. you hit a rock, deep pot hole or anything that can make contact and you'll be redoing them.
                        Past Builds;
                        1991 Z24, 3500/5 Spd. 275WHP/259WTQ 13.07@108 MPH
                        1989 Camaro RS, ITB-3500/700R4. 263WHP/263WTQ 13.52@99.2 MPH
                        Current Project;
                        1972 Nova 12.73@105.7 MPH


                        • #13
                          I'll have plenty of room with my custom dry sump oil pan and if needed for safety I will have a skidplate welded up to protect them.........



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kwhauck View Post
                            my exhaust manifolds were yanked off previously when i snagged my 3500, any pics?
                            they are on a thread called diff between 3500 and previous 3x00 i think, here it is


                            • #15
                              Well, if you are doing a custom pan, then do it whatever way you want. I was just going off of if you would be using the stock pan.
                              89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
                              Follow the build ->

