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mounting an m90 on 60*V6 fiero

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  • mounting an m90 on 60*V6 fiero

    This application nis for a fiero with an iron head ohv V6. Just wondering who has has done it and how? i know about the guy with it over the rear exhaust manifold in a fiero and the guy with the beretta. Just trying to see if anybody has done it in a fiero? Or has any tips.
    Last edited by fivepointhustla; 12-19-2006, 02:32 PM.
    Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
    Pet Waste Removal Omaha
    We offer dog waste removal and cat waste removal services.
    (402) 320-3824, We service the Omaha, Ne. metropolitan area.

  • #2
    Originally posted by bjornmk1 View Post
    well I am sc-ing mine with a ford m90.
    it is going where my airco pump used to be.
    doing that you'l need a relocator kit for the oilfilter.

    I shortened the snout of my sc-er to get the fitment I need.
    that way it wont suffer from the heat of the exhaust as much
    as the set up in the picture.

    I'm aiming at 240-250whp at aprox. 10-12psi.
    ported the alu heads an manifolds.
    350cc fuel injectors.
    audi s4 intercooler.

    what is yours going to be like

    moved it over here
    Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
    Pet Waste Removal Omaha
    We offer dog waste removal and cat waste removal services.
    (402) 320-3824, We service the Omaha, Ne. metropolitan area.


    • #3
      I planned on having a bracket made so i can run it in in place of my old a/c compressor. I will be forging my motor this spring then i hope to build this system early this summer. I hope to run like 10-12psi with an extra kick from my nitrous system. I'm trying to get close to 400whp
      Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
      Pet Waste Removal Omaha
      We offer dog waste removal and cat waste removal services.
      (402) 320-3824, We service the Omaha, Ne. metropolitan area.


      • #4
        screw the eaton and put on a turbo. much easier.


        • #5
          that's what it is starting to look like. Parts are cheaper for the super but the installation would be easier for the turbo.
          Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
          Pet Waste Removal Omaha
          We offer dog waste removal and cat waste removal services.
          (402) 320-3824, We service the Omaha, Ne. metropolitan area.


          • #6
            don't forget that with a turbo you'll also need a oil feed line.
            that's extra work compaired to a sc.

            plus a turbo will heat up your engine oil compairde to a sc. so
            chances are you'll also need some sort of oilcooler

            good luck.

            nothing's impossible-it's just a mindset


            • #7
              Even with the "extra" work of oil feed and return lines, and possibly an oil cooler, the turbo is still quite a bit more effcient than an SC, and also easier to control. With the use of the wastegate, over all boost can be controlled, through different parameters.

              For example, if you find traction in first gear is lacking, you can set-up a waste gate system that limits boost in first gear, allowing you to hook up before applying maximum power.

              Also if you would rather have two settings for overall boost, like one for cruising and one for racing, easily done.

              I wouldn't even want to try an develope a system to do the same thing on an SC.


              • #8
                I have not given up on the m90 idea just yet. Just gonna take some research.

                I understand the point of a turbo's efficiency, but just because it CAN be efficient doesn't mean it is.

                Actually a turbo is harder to control because you need more equipment and that means more money. A turbo is controlled by "valves" and a supercharger is controlled by a crank. So the only way to over rev a super is to over rev the motor...but a turbo can over spin if a valve sticks open or shut. I also don't want to sit in my car for 10mins waiting for the oil to cool down. I also like the idea of no having extra heat in my oil.

                I will try this until I absolutely can't figure a way to do it.
                Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
                Pet Waste Removal Omaha
                We offer dog waste removal and cat waste removal services.
                (402) 320-3824, We service the Omaha, Ne. metropolitan area.


                • #9
                  say fivepoint,were'nt you looking for forged pistons?

                  I dont know if you guys have ford cosworths in the states..
                  but I used those for my build,they are 3.57 bore size and have the same compressionheight as the 2.8 (alu head)
                  and can be used for iron heads as well by turning them down by

                  but you would only be able to use your 2.8 crank..
                  and not a 3.1 crank

                  just a thought.

                  nothing's impossible-it's just a mindset


                  • #10
                    yeah I am looking for forged slugs and yes cosworth is here as well. Those would work pretty good in a 3.4. Do they have the same hieght as a iron head 2.8 or an aluminum head 3.X? Do you have them in? Didn't you say they were for an escort? Details please?
                    Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
                    Pet Waste Removal Omaha
                    We offer dog waste removal and cat waste removal services.
                    (402) 320-3824, We service the Omaha, Ne. metropolitan area.


                    • #11
                      yeah..escort and sierra.
                      st.size is 90.82mm oversize might just get you there with a
                      3.4 engine.

                      and yes,they will have the same compr.height as a 2.8L iron head
                      if you turn them on a lathe for 0.2mm.

                      this is not needed at the alu head engine..there they would be just fine.

                      even the piston pinn is out of center..just like the pistons in the 60/v6
                      only by 0.5mm more than ours

                      main advantage:they are forged and reasonably cheap over here.

                      nothing's impossible-it's just a mindset


                      • #12
               only downside is they have a 23.95mm pinn.

                        I decided to go with I beam rods for a sb 327.

                        nothing's impossible-it's just a mindset

