hi there..guys i am new here
my name is bjorn..i live in belgium..and (drive) a 87 fiero.
my question is this;I bought a '89 3.1L engine with all.heads.
does this engine have the same oilchannels as the 87
my knowledge is that the 3.1L has a seperate oilfeed
for the crank ,where the 2.8 has it's feed from the lifters.
am I wrong???

my name is bjorn..i live in belgium..and (drive) a 87 fiero.
my question is this;I bought a '89 3.1L engine with all.heads.
does this engine have the same oilchannels as the 87
my knowledge is that the 3.1L has a seperate oilfeed
for the crank ,where the 2.8 has it's feed from the lifters.
am I wrong???
