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coolant temp switch?

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  • coolant temp switch?

    ok, i'm having to replace my lim gasket, and i'm about to remove the im and the last thing attached is what looks like a big (1") plug screwed into the back driver's side corner of the im with a coolant line coming out of it that runs up to a metal line that goes through the firewall. from looking at sensor location pics, this looks like where the coolant temp sender should go. when i tried to unscrew it, it broke off (without too much torque i might add) and left what looks like it's aluminum nipple stuck in the hole in the intake manifold.
    i have the BASE instrument panel.
    is this the coolant temp switch? what's throwing me is that there arent any wires coming from it. there's just an arrow indicating the direction of flow embossed in the metal on the thing.
    i have a GUAGES panel coming from ebay. if this is indeed the coolant temp switch, is this what i'm supposed to replace with a coolant temp sender anyway?
    i've been trying to find a pic of this, but all i ever see are the senders.

  • #2
    That is not the sensor. The sensor is located on the other side of where your coolant line is at right now. You can get a replacement for that piece you broke at advance. Its very common to break it, probably because its junk metal. Either in the HELP! section or behind the counter.

    To remove the line from the connector, press in on the black tabs and pull out on the pipe itself. Its a quick release type setup, though I never found it to be that quick.

    If you just have a switch now for the dash and are going to the thermistor type, then yes, you need to replace the sensor on the lower intake with the correct type.


    • #3
      crap, i thought i could get back to the computer and fix that post. i was looking at a picture of the cts right after i did it, and it's right under it. man i feel stupid.

