Alright, so the car is a 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme with the 3100 SFI vin M engine. Basically the car developed a slight miss under heavy acceleration. It got a little worse, so I was figuring coils or something ignition related. A few nights ago, I tried to start it, it fired up for a split second and died. No check engine light, no codes. I thought it was the fuel pump because I could crank, but smelt no gas, and I couldnt hear the pump either. A month ago, my ECM went bad, so I bought a junkyard ECM and had it programmed. The car ran the balls untill the miss started. So as of now, the car has a new pump and strainer, and there is fuel pressure at the rails. So it seems as if the injectors are not pulsing. What I need to know is if the injectors recieve a pulse signal from anything else besides the ECM like the igniton module or the crank sensor????
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Huge 3100 Prob...
i use to have the same kind of problem. ended up being my MAF sensor. try cleaning the little bars with some electronics cleaner from a aerosol can.
worked for me for a while but the misses came back every 3-4K miles, and slowly went down to about 1K miles before it would need cleaning again after about a year and a half. at that point i just went out and bought a new on and haven't had a problem since. still have no idea what caused that problem, nor can anyone else. but i have had the new MAF sensor for about 8K miles now and no problems yet.
yes SFI uses cam sensor for fueling. It wll run with out it, but it will be not as optimal might run rough or get bad mileage. I think it will set a code if bad.
its a 94 so he won't have a MAF.
I'd say it's a good chance its probably spark related. Or at least I'd look into that first. It could be the CPS or ICM, or coil packs even. Hard to tell on intermentent problems...sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.