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Code P0449

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  • Code P0449

    Car is throwing a P0449 code - EVAP Emission Control System Vent Vlv/Sol Malf

    It sounds like a solenoid crapped out, but I have no idea where this would be. Can anyone help or give some insight? Thanks!

    Car is a 2003 Grand Prix SE 3100 SFI
    2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100 SFI V6

  • #2
    Should be on the back side of the engine, right below the coil packs and around the rear valve cover area.
    89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
    Follow the build ->


    • #3
      I was afraid of that, I knew that a vacuum hose from the intake connected to it, and the only vacuum hose on the intake ran around to the back of the motor and under the coil pack.... *sigh* I guess I'll have to take it to Good Year over the weekend then after all.
      2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100 SFI V6


      • #4
        Why? The coilpack is pretty easy to take off and then its right there. Unless you just don't have the tools to do it...
        89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
        Follow the build ->


        • #5
          Originally posted by bszopi
          Should be on the back side of the engine, right below the coil packs and around the rear valve cover area.
          No brad thats the PURGE valve.

          Vent valve is located at the rear of the car around near the fuel tank and usually right next to the Charcoal canister.

          Common problem for vent valves to fail. Easy to replace.

          It will be a 3inch by 3 inch by 1 inch thick square box at the back with a big large diameter hose connecting it to the charcoal canister. There will be a two wire connector that plugs into it.

          EDIT. Sorry Just read that it was a GP, It *Might* be round. I cannot remember.. However For the Grand Prix's its located behind the Drivers REAR fender well area. You will have to pull the splash gaurd off the rear fender (at the rear of the rear fender) to gain access to it.

          If you live where you drive gravel roads, or drive on gravel roads all the time, its common for these to plug right solid. As well as when the Vent Solenoid is plugged with dirt/dust, the Canister is as well and needs to be replaced too.
          92 Sunbird GT, 3200 Hybrid 13.99@ 95.22 (2004)
          90 Eagle Talon TSi AWD 10.54 @ 129mph.


          • #6
            Is that the solenoid you are talking about, or the actual valve? I know the valve is back there (has to be lol), but I figured the solenoid would be under the hood, and diagnostic computer I used said Vent Vlv/Sol Malf, which probably means the solenoid malfunctioned (I hate when they abbreviate). I'll check it when I get home tomorrow and can jack it up in a heated garage instead of a frozen parking lot lol. I don't think I have a splash guard so I can probably squeeze under the SE's bumper cover and take a peek. I don't know, I'll see tomorrow afternoon or saturday I guess... I drive on pavement only, unless the slightly sandy roads down here kicked up enough dust...
            2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100 SFI V6


            • #7
              Yes the Vent valve has a solenoid in it. Thats how its actuated to Open Close. Vent valve/vent solenoid = same part.

              I'm a GM Tech, I know which part your talking about as well as the code.

              Vent valve: Vents to atmosphere the canister/fuel tank.
              Purge valve: Solenoid connected via evap line from canister to open at set parameters and Purge stored Charcoal canister fumes into the engine to be burned up..

              DTC P0449
              Circuit Description

              An ignition voltage is supplied to the evaporative emission (EVAP) canister vent valve. The control module grounds the EVAP canister vent valve control circuit to close the valve by means of an internal switch called a driver. The scan tool displays the commanded state of the EVAP canister vent valve as ON or OFF. The control module monitors the status of the driver. If the control module detects an incorrect voltage for the commanded state of the driver, this DTC sets.

              Purge valve is DTC P0443.
              92 Sunbird GT, 3200 Hybrid 13.99@ 95.22 (2004)
              90 Eagle Talon TSi AWD 10.54 @ 129mph.


              • #8
                Sounds good enough for me. We're taking it to Good Year in the morning for the repair, so I'll tell them exactly what you've told me. Thanks a lot!
                2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100 SFI V6


                • #9
                  Ok now there is an even bigger problem. We took it to Good Year, and several hours later, they called us back and asked if the car had any type of an alarm system, which it shouldn't because it is a very base, plain-jane car. Why? It wouldn't start while they were working on it. What do you think they might have tripped? They let it sit for a few hours and then it started, so we picked up and are going to drop the car off at the Chevy/Pontiac/GMC/Buick dealership in town tomorrow. The only out of place thing that I noticed was that the security light in the dash was blinking incessantly, but none of the doors were open or ajar.
                  2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100 SFI V6


                  • #10
                    Also, it seems that after a while during the drive, the blinking security light will go out, but it will come right back on if you restart the engine.
                    2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100 SFI V6


                    • #11
                      Turn the key to ON (dont start it) and let it just sit there like that till the sercurity light goes out. (10 minutes I think). Then turn it off, then turn it to start. It should knock it off.
                      97 Cavalier RS
                      3400, Isuzu MK7

