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darn spark plugs

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  • darn spark plugs

    it sucks my car decided it didn't like one of my spark plugs today and about 500 feet from it spit out number 3 cylender, i have never seen one of these cars do that before, oh well i hope it didn't take the threads out of the head. well i was going to do a tune up on monday anyway, i guess i'll have to do it tommor. any one eles had this happen to them

  • #2
    yeah that happened to my friend's v6 z24 a few years back and the dummy that he was(he really didnt have much of a choice) drove almost 60miles w/o the plug. didnt ruin threads in the head so he just put another in and all better.


    • #3
      yea the gen 2 heads seem to have the problem of plugs backing out. it happened to a couple different people i know. it didnt damage the threads when it hucked the plug out. another ocasion, after he overtightened the plug, it spit it out and took the threads wih it. lets just say putting an insert into number 1 wasnt the most fin thing ive ever done.


      • #4
        that sucks, i got lucky and the plug didn't take the threads out, but the car does run a lot better now, that plug had been comeing loose for a while


        • #5
          yeah the same thing happened to me
          i had just chenged the plugs and wires and a while later
          bang it popped out
          my dumb ass pulled over and poped the hood
          and tried to screw it back in barehanded ouch
          well needless to say i drove for a while with it out till i got back to the tools and then let it cool put it in and never happened again
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