Hello all, I'm a noob here and I'm helping a friend change the HGs in his 93 Lumina. I'm running into a couple problems, neither one of us is a mechanic in any way... so this is just a "see what we can do" type of thing.
1.Basically we got out all of the head studs, but we still have the exhaust manifolds to deal with. On the rear mani, passenger side/middle (near O2) bottom stud.. I think it is stripped. What is the best way to get this thing out? We were using a 10mm socket (the right size for the rest of the studs) and it feels stripped, but we can't see anything to make sure.
2.The motor mount on the passenger side... the massive black thing bolted to the front of the engine... how the heck do we get that off? We took out the top 2 bolts holding it to the head, and then 2 more bolts by the air pump... there is one more above the oil filter ... does this have to come out? Are we doing this correctly? I think it has to come out because the exhaust manifold bolt that is on the passengger side bottom is not going to come out unless this thing moves out of the way. Do we need to remove the driverside mount also?
3.The "waterline" that is attached to the bottom of the t-stat housing that has to be removed before you can take of the lower plenum cracked. 1. I dont know how to get it off the pipe to take to the auto parts store to replace, and 2. I don't know what its called to see if they have it in stock.
4.While removing the lifters I realized how dirty the rest of the inside of the block must be from having the coolant/oil mixture sloshing around in there... is there a better way to clean it other than a couple of oil changes after we get it together?
5.We unplugged a lot of stuff to get to the back of the engine.. basically all of the clips and hoses that were attached to anything near the back of the motor for more access... is there a diagram that shows where all this stuff goes back? We were keeping pretty good track of everything initially, but then realized it would take all year to do it at that pace, so we just started taking stuff off, moving it to the side, and digging deeper and deeper into the engine bay.
Finally.... if anyone is in the Buffalo NY area and would like to lend a hand in getting this fixed, or if anyone would like to make a couple bucks helping, I would gladly pay. Obviously we would like to help also, so we won't be standing there with out hands in our pockets. We took this on as a learning experience, and trying to do some of our own work (800 bux for a mechanic was too much to spend on the car). Now that we have reached a couple of very hard parts of the tear down.. I don't want progress to stop and I don't want to quit.
If anyone has any answers or tips, or pics or diagrams... ANYTHING?!?!?!? I would greatly appreciate it.
BTW - Before I saw this site, I thought I was the only one crazy enough to wanna try to make my Lumina fast...