Getting the motor back together. Everything going smooth with a big smile on my face like
as I day dream about driving my car down the highway and then... I put my intake on after getting the valves nice and adjusted. You know I got me some of those good ol' FelPro metal gaskets. Line em up nicely and lay the the bead down.
I felt an eaze of comfort as I knew I was a step closer to getting everything done. Yep... then I go to torque down the intake. Still nice and smooth then I get to the rear bolt and
there seems to be a tiny gap between the intake and the head on the side of the lifter and spring area. I keep thinking why is this little gap here it should be sealed shut. I look and check the gaskets and everything is lined up, and sealed except for this one spot. So I go to re-torque the bolt.
Thinking it must not be tight enough.. the gaps starts to close slightly but so much pressure and then...
it happens.. the threads loosen... they're stripped.
now I have to helicoil fix it but the real problem is the gap. I'm baffled as I've never seen that happen on any gasket. Everything is lined up perfectly. Took my flashlight and checked the other spaces for gaps and everything is sealed but this one section where the top of the lower intake manifold meets with the head. It's like the rubber mold didn't form right in that area.
Now I'm at a crossroad. I guess. On one hand I can take the intake off and get a new gasket set to see if that fix the problem or I can leave it as is and helicoil the busted bolt threads and stick some RTV in between the little gap on the side. I can't think of a single reason why there's a small gap there other than QC.

Thinking it must not be tight enough.. the gaps starts to close slightly but so much pressure and then...

Now I'm at a crossroad. I guess. On one hand I can take the intake off and get a new gasket set to see if that fix the problem or I can leave it as is and helicoil the busted bolt threads and stick some RTV in between the little gap on the side. I can't think of a single reason why there's a small gap there other than QC.