A brief history........
I've got a 96 Oldsmobile Achieva that purchased in 07 from a church member who brought the car brand new. In 2007, this 3100 suffered (as most have) LIM/headgasket failure. I really think it was more LIM failure but since my mechanic friend is also the transportation dept. supervisor for the school system I work for (can you say BIG YELLOW BUS and FLEET CARS which are mostly 3100 equipped Malibus), he was really familiar with this specific repair. 900 dollars later, he had it running like new.
My daughter went to college in 08 so it began a new life as her daily driver. She did pretty good with it....no major problems.
Segue to 2013. After graduating and working for a year, she decided to leave the fold (we only own GM cars) and bought an 04 Mustang Pony v6. Well wouldn't you know it, the Achieva returned to dad and behold the day before she picked up the Mustang, something went amiss internally on the trusty Acheiva. An awful, loud tapping sound that sounded like the whole block was tapping. Awful miss. Car was actually still drivable...I drove it a few days like it was, anticipating getting a new engine. One day (we're still on summer break here) feeling like I had nothing to loose, I tried to see if i could isolate the tapping. It was slow and countable usually indicating a valve/lifter issue. Opened up the oil cap and looked inside with flashlight and voila', intake valve on 2nd cylinder not moving at all!!!! Pulled the valve cover and found a broken rocker arm on the intake valve. Hmmmmmm.........went to an area machine shop, owner is a friend. Told him I was gonna' try and fix this one myself. He went to a box in the corner of his shop and found four used rocker arm and gave them to me. No charge!!
Go home, install one of the rocker arms and a pushrod, buttoned up everything. (I was lucky and did not have to remove the intake to do this repair !!) Car running perfect in less than 2 hours. Happy Days. Didn't run that good after the 900.00 repair in 07.
Yesterday. After driving the car around locally for most of the day Wednesday, I put it on the highway to the next major town from me about a 45 minute drive on Hwy 95. Car ran like new all the way to Rocky Mount, NC, Got off on an exit road and the car lost power. Wouldn't accelerate and developed a major stumble. I looked out the window and low and behold, there is a massive plume of thick smoke bellowing from the exhaust. I thinking to myself, "this thing did not just blow another gasket set!!!" (back in 07, we replaced the GM crap gaskets with the improved Felpro set converted to good old fashion polyethelene glycol "green" coolant.) Coaxed the car into the parking lot of a Goodwill Store and shut it of. Let it cool off for a minute or two and started to check the obvious things. Coolant level was fine. No noticeable water/coolant in oil. Oil was pretty clean. Fired the car back up and the engine is pluming a thick bluish smoke that smells pretty much like raw fuel. The car ran miserably for about 15 minutes then clears itself completely. Engine is back to running like normal. On the way back home, it did replicate the problem one other time but hasn't done it since then. Help (and some observations)
While working on the engine, I did remove the throttle body and breather assemblies. (Unplugged the two sensors on the airbox and the two connectors on the TB. The loss of power and seemingly rich fuel condition has me thinking something happened in the diss-assembly of Throttle Body. (I didn't replace the TB gasket) OR..........
.....is it possible that it's a computer issue as there was a check engine light on and it flashed off and on when I was driving before the repair running on 5 cylinders. Is it possible that the computer set a trouble code that I did not clear after the repair? I realize this was kinda' long but I hope that maybe this might help troubleshooting for someone else with a 3100 motor or help me track something really obvious. I'm a teacher and the economy won't support me throwing a lot of money at the car. HELP!!!
BTW, I only paid $250.00 for the car from the previous owner. She was told that the motor was toast by a trusty GM dealer who was "willing" to take the damaged car in trade for an 06 Impala
