Fellow 60 degreers,
Got an interesting problem, here's the details:
99 Cutty, 3.1, 151,xxx miles.
Over the last month or so I've been fighting this hesitation issue. When the car is physically in gear (drive or reverse) I get this intermittent hesitation, especially at idle. Hesitation is only present very low in the RPM band (idle-1700). Above 17/1800 it disappears. Note that there is no hesitation at all while the car is in park or neutral regardless of RPMs.
Changed all the seemingly normal culprits: plugs and wires, coils, ICM, TPS, IAC, cleaned out the throttle body, etc. Checked extensively for vacuum leaks and replaced anything that looked suspect. Checked vacuum at the intake ports (inHg) which seemed pretty constant with no crazy fluctuations. All have produced no positive impact on the problem.
For the most part ECM flashes no codes, occasionally I'll get a "303" (cylinder 3 misfire) or 300 (random misfire) code that doesn't illuminate the service engine light.
Haven't checked anything with the fuel system yet, probably my next step.
Anyone have any suggestions at what I should be looking for here? Any input would be greatly appreciated, I'll follow up once the problem is solved.
Got an interesting problem, here's the details:
99 Cutty, 3.1, 151,xxx miles.
Over the last month or so I've been fighting this hesitation issue. When the car is physically in gear (drive or reverse) I get this intermittent hesitation, especially at idle. Hesitation is only present very low in the RPM band (idle-1700). Above 17/1800 it disappears. Note that there is no hesitation at all while the car is in park or neutral regardless of RPMs.
Changed all the seemingly normal culprits: plugs and wires, coils, ICM, TPS, IAC, cleaned out the throttle body, etc. Checked extensively for vacuum leaks and replaced anything that looked suspect. Checked vacuum at the intake ports (inHg) which seemed pretty constant with no crazy fluctuations. All have produced no positive impact on the problem.
For the most part ECM flashes no codes, occasionally I'll get a "303" (cylinder 3 misfire) or 300 (random misfire) code that doesn't illuminate the service engine light.
Haven't checked anything with the fuel system yet, probably my next step.
Anyone have any suggestions at what I should be looking for here? Any input would be greatly appreciated, I'll follow up once the problem is solved.