Well over the winter I had my heads done. They were port, polished, milled. The works. I also had some LS1 springs put on. Well now with the car all back together I get some pretty good lifter noise. Any ideas on what may be causing this and how i could go about fixing it. Some other info, never changed the rockers while i was in there, they're still stock. Also lifters were never changed as well. This is all on the 3400. Thanks for any help
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Lifter noise (how to fix)
Still loud? Hmm hows the oil pressure? Is the sump full and the pump picking up? Is oil comming out of the pushrods at the top?1993 EXT. CAB, 3.4L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. Sonoma
1990 4Door, 3.2L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. 4X4. Trooper
Because... I am, CANADIAN
Originally posted by blackbombshell95is it recommened to place the lifters and rockers while the engine is torn apart for a port and polish???? if so how expensive are they??2006 G6 GTP MT6
Vector Motorsports ECU
Classic Performance 2.5 Inch Exhaust
v6h.o. Downpipe
Custom Intake