I have the master from an 88-90 GP and a new internal hydraulic TOB for a 91-93.
What kind of quick disconnects am I working with here? Specifically the (top/left) and (top/middle) pic. That is the end I need to connect to and run it to the htob fitting (bottom pic)
If there isn't an easy solution, I might have to buy a 91-93 master with line.
Or is the 88-90 master piston diameter too small to push the 91-93 HTOB far enough to fully engage?
I admit, high pressure hydraulics are tough. Either its a perfect fit or it ain't right.
edit: Not sure about the years but basically I have the master for the fork style and removed the big bulky slave like thing. The throw out bearing is hydraulic, as seen from the pic. So I'm trying to match the master to the htob, but now I'm not sure if it will work.