ok just wanted to say hello to everyone i just joined and i need some help...im not sure if this is where to post my prob...ok so i have a 2001 malibu with a 3100 sfi engine...dad was driving it and it died on him...i took the top end apart found blown head gaskets...got the heads done at a machine stretched timing chain i replaced that and im not sure if i set the timing right...
someone told me that when the timing marks are lined up crank gear at 12 o'clock and cam gear at 12 o'clock #1 piston should be at TDC...im thinking the #1 piston is the one that if ur looking at the pulleys its the first one on the right? i might be wrong...well that one is never at TDC when the gears are lined up the one that is at TDC is the one next to it #3 piston...
i checked the fuel pressure and compression i had the coil packs module tested at autozone and they tested good...i checked for spark and i have spark but its weak and im not sure if its cause of the timing being off? the timing chains on the older cars i have done were easier to do
so if anyone has a diagram or video on how to set the timing on the 3100 that would really help me out...thanks for any one who can help me
oh yeah almost forgot to mention it cranks fine no sputtering or anything it just turns over
someone told me that when the timing marks are lined up crank gear at 12 o'clock and cam gear at 12 o'clock #1 piston should be at TDC...im thinking the #1 piston is the one that if ur looking at the pulleys its the first one on the right? i might be wrong...well that one is never at TDC when the gears are lined up the one that is at TDC is the one next to it #3 piston...
i checked the fuel pressure and compression i had the coil packs module tested at autozone and they tested good...i checked for spark and i have spark but its weak and im not sure if its cause of the timing being off? the timing chains on the older cars i have done were easier to do
so if anyone has a diagram or video on how to set the timing on the 3100 that would really help me out...thanks for any one who can help me

oh yeah almost forgot to mention it cranks fine no sputtering or anything it just turns over