I finally finished replacing the head gaskets in my son's girlfriend's '95 Camaro 3.4. The car started fine. I let it sit in the driveway and idle for 20-30 minutes. The car warmed-up and I saw/heard nothing out of the ordinary, so I took it to Wal*Mart [where every Camaro owner goes on a test drive]. Everything seemed great for the 15 minutes it took to get to Wal*Mart. I wasn't really stressing the car... maybe 15-20% throttle... got up to 60 mph once.
When it was time to come home [20-30 minutes later], the car started right up, but had a really poor idle. I put it in gear, and it died. I had to crank for a bit to get it running, but nce I got moving, all was okay for the trip home.
When I got to my neighborhood, I came to the first STOP sign. The car died....
I checked under the hood... no bar-b-que'd plug wires or anything like that.
I got in and started cranking it. It sounded like it wanted to start... but couldn't/wouldn't. I tried cranking in clear-flood mode... it would fire a few more cylinders, but then just go back to spinning
I fought with it for 5 minutes or so, and i was finally able to get it started. It was coughing and sputtering all the way to the house. I parked it and walked into the house... I'd had enough for one day.
This morning, I needed to move it, so I could go to church. It wouldn't start. I had to push it out of the way
On the way home from church, I picked-up a can of injector cleaner... the can that you connect to the fuel rail and just run the car for 15 minutes. My kit is 3M, but I could only find BWD cleaner. It wouldn't work with my hose... plus, you're supposed to connect it to a car that has been warmed-up. I can only dream of starting this car right now
This afternoon, I removed the plugs. Five of them were really wet. I sprayed them down with brake cleaner and re-installed them. It still wouldn't start. I would fire a couple times, then just sit there and spin. I removed #2 [easiest] and it was soaked, again.
Do you think I have injectors that are stuck open or leaking?
I connected a fuel pressure gauge to the fuel rail, and the pressure would drop a bit when I turned off the key, but never really dropped to zero... only about 20 psi.
I guess I could always remove the fuel rail from the intake and just see what the injectors do... drip, spray, leak, or other...
I'm really getting tired of looking at this car in my shop. It's not even a color I like. <grin>
Should I use something other than brake cleaner to clean the plugs?
If it's not the injectors, what could it be?
When it was time to come home [20-30 minutes later], the car started right up, but had a really poor idle. I put it in gear, and it died. I had to crank for a bit to get it running, but nce I got moving, all was okay for the trip home.
When I got to my neighborhood, I came to the first STOP sign. The car died....

I checked under the hood... no bar-b-que'd plug wires or anything like that.
I got in and started cranking it. It sounded like it wanted to start... but couldn't/wouldn't. I tried cranking in clear-flood mode... it would fire a few more cylinders, but then just go back to spinning

I fought with it for 5 minutes or so, and i was finally able to get it started. It was coughing and sputtering all the way to the house. I parked it and walked into the house... I'd had enough for one day.
This morning, I needed to move it, so I could go to church. It wouldn't start. I had to push it out of the way

On the way home from church, I picked-up a can of injector cleaner... the can that you connect to the fuel rail and just run the car for 15 minutes. My kit is 3M, but I could only find BWD cleaner. It wouldn't work with my hose... plus, you're supposed to connect it to a car that has been warmed-up. I can only dream of starting this car right now

This afternoon, I removed the plugs. Five of them were really wet. I sprayed them down with brake cleaner and re-installed them. It still wouldn't start. I would fire a couple times, then just sit there and spin. I removed #2 [easiest] and it was soaked, again.
Do you think I have injectors that are stuck open or leaking?
I connected a fuel pressure gauge to the fuel rail, and the pressure would drop a bit when I turned off the key, but never really dropped to zero... only about 20 psi.
I guess I could always remove the fuel rail from the intake and just see what the injectors do... drip, spray, leak, or other...
I'm really getting tired of looking at this car in my shop. It's not even a color I like. <grin>
Should I use something other than brake cleaner to clean the plugs?
If it's not the injectors, what could it be?