On finishing the assembly of a 95 3.4L L-32 V6 being installed in a 1994 Camaro...I was hoping to be able to attach an oil line to the Aluminum Oil Filter Adapter somewhere on the housing for viewing an Analog Oil Pressure Gauge in the Engine Compartment...but the only port on the stock adapter is for the Oil Pressure Sensor... but as close as everything is down there, what with the "Heat Booty" and OPS harness almost touching the left side of the engine well...I am thinking about using a different Oil Pump Adapter to get both things to work.
My only concerns are that the alternative one depicted in the attached image might either bang into the lower Header Pipes ...or lower the position of the Oil Filter enough to risk having it knocked off if it were struck by something hitting it from up under the car...or even boil the engine oil because of its proximity to the hot headers (even though they will be wrapped). I would appreciate some help with knowing whether this other Oil Filter Adapter will do the trick. Thanks for looking...
My only concerns are that the alternative one depicted in the attached image might either bang into the lower Header Pipes ...or lower the position of the Oil Filter enough to risk having it knocked off if it were struck by something hitting it from up under the car...or even boil the engine oil because of its proximity to the hot headers (even though they will be wrapped). I would appreciate some help with knowing whether this other Oil Filter Adapter will do the trick. Thanks for looking...