After 200k the 3.1 in my Regal is acting bad.
Yesterday it stalled out when pulling away on a hill, started after some turning. I crawled it back home and switched it off. Temp gauge was normal but it felt hotter
There was coolant leaking from the engine (Front&drivers side), and air bubbles coming back into the reservoir.
Now ive started it to check hoses and tried a new rad cap, it runs smooth, normal amount of white smoke for winter, oil looks fine, no oil in water etc.
But when cold as you gas it theres a definite delay in pick up, (goes when warm) also i may have been seeing things but on start up i caught a few seconds of thin smoke coming from front upper intake area?? Also still dumps water after switch off.
Is this the old intake manifold problem, or head gasket etc. How can i test ??
anything appreciated Billy
Yesterday it stalled out when pulling away on a hill, started after some turning. I crawled it back home and switched it off. Temp gauge was normal but it felt hotter
There was coolant leaking from the engine (Front&drivers side), and air bubbles coming back into the reservoir.
Now ive started it to check hoses and tried a new rad cap, it runs smooth, normal amount of white smoke for winter, oil looks fine, no oil in water etc.
But when cold as you gas it theres a definite delay in pick up, (goes when warm) also i may have been seeing things but on start up i caught a few seconds of thin smoke coming from front upper intake area?? Also still dumps water after switch off.
Is this the old intake manifold problem, or head gasket etc. How can i test ??
anything appreciated Billy