Bimdub... I agree with your analysis so far.
Will the engine restart immediately after it dies? If not, does it still have spark? How long will the engine run if you don't rev it?
You could connect a scanner to monitor RPMs, injector pulse width and voltage at the ECM as the engine dies. A better alternative would be to use an ALDL cable and free software on a laptop to record the data while the ECM is on. You can even make your own ALDL cable.
Will the engine restart immediately after it dies? If not, does it still have spark? How long will the engine run if you don't rev it?
You could connect a scanner to monitor RPMs, injector pulse width and voltage at the ECM as the engine dies. A better alternative would be to use an ALDL cable and free software on a laptop to record the data while the ECM is on. You can even make your own ALDL cable.