So tonight we were driving down the road and the engine temperature was between 200 and the 3/4 mark. Suddenly the car shuts off the lights flicker then it didn't want to start back up. so we leave it on the side of the road for a couple of hours, come back and it's cooled down some, then it doesn't want to start again, finally we get it started and drive it for 4 miles and we pull over to put water in it because we figured it was overheating but the gauge wasn't saying it was. The water is shooting out of the reservouir. The cooling fans also aren't coming on. But when we try to crank it it turns over but it doesn't want to start. could it be the computer? or a sensor telling it it's too hot to start? what would make the cooling fans not come on? i checked the fuses and everything was fine. the fans won't come on even with the a/c on. any help would be appreciated 
oh yeah it's a 2001 grand am gt

oh yeah it's a 2001 grand am gt