yeah you know what... i guess the more you do it the easier it is because you know what to expect... ya know. I put a jack under the car and haul the engine mount off (6 bolts, 4 18mm 2 16mm) to get at the p-steering bolts easier.
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which gaskets do i need?
Yeah the first time is always the hardest, and it's easier when you are working on cars reguarly too. I lost a lot of my feel for it lol.
I Just removed the one engine mount bolt that was in front of the left lower PS bolt. I can see it would be easier to just remove the mount altogether, but it was just hard getting the PS mount holes lined up and the bolt started on all 3 bolts. I didn't remove the mount because I thought it would be easier plus I had already changed my belt (requires mount to be opened). This reminds me I forgot to retorque that engine mount bolt. I know that I got everything else back on right and tight, except for maybe the radiator drain..actuallly I think i did tighten that engine mount boilt and forgot..I'l check it anyway.