So now that I'm cleaning everything up and getting ready to reinstall parts and everything, I'm wondering about how clean I have to get the cylinder block where the head gasket/heads mate?
Reading a How-To thread on a Grand Am forum it states I should be cleaning with acetone and a razor blade (which I did) until little to no gasket material is left; and that the surfaces should be very clean.
I'm just wondering how clean that is though, lol. Because using the acetone and the razor I'm not getting to like bare-metal-clean really, and I don't want to be too aggressive and cause problems. I also have some Permatex Gasket Remover (which is like a gel type stuff that sprays out of a can) but haven't used it much 'cause I'm not really sure I want that to get into the cylinder bores and the water jacket and mix with stuff later...
Here's a pic of how clean I have the left/front head at the moment, I'm having trouble getting any more of the dark areas off but I'm wondering if I have to or should be, or if it's clean enough as I have it now. I was thinking the area directly around the bores is the most important to ensure compression and no coolant going in there, but I'm just making sure...

Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, it's just that I've looked about quite a bit and see pictures of the heads off but they are always immediately after the heads come off it seems, never what they should look like when cleaned. The heads are brand new btw, so they don't really need any cleaning, except I think I should spray them down with some brake cleaner or something similar since there is a light film of gucky oil on them, from the packaging process I suppose.
Reading a How-To thread on a Grand Am forum it states I should be cleaning with acetone and a razor blade (which I did) until little to no gasket material is left; and that the surfaces should be very clean.
I'm just wondering how clean that is though, lol. Because using the acetone and the razor I'm not getting to like bare-metal-clean really, and I don't want to be too aggressive and cause problems. I also have some Permatex Gasket Remover (which is like a gel type stuff that sprays out of a can) but haven't used it much 'cause I'm not really sure I want that to get into the cylinder bores and the water jacket and mix with stuff later...
Here's a pic of how clean I have the left/front head at the moment, I'm having trouble getting any more of the dark areas off but I'm wondering if I have to or should be, or if it's clean enough as I have it now. I was thinking the area directly around the bores is the most important to ensure compression and no coolant going in there, but I'm just making sure...

Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, it's just that I've looked about quite a bit and see pictures of the heads off but they are always immediately after the heads come off it seems, never what they should look like when cleaned. The heads are brand new btw, so they don't really need any cleaning, except I think I should spray them down with some brake cleaner or something similar since there is a light film of gucky oil on them, from the packaging process I suppose.