'94 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3100 with 143k. Here is the story for my car. I had an overheating problem and a loud exhaust at the same time. For the overheating problem I 1st Flushed the coollant….. that was not it….2nd NEW radiator….. helped but not it…..3rd NEW water pump…..that solved it! As for the exhaust problem I needed a new exhaust and also discovered I had a cracked rear exhaust manifold. I bought all new except for the CAT. I put the new pipes on last winter but did not replace the rear exhaust manifold. At the end of this past summer I had still not replaced the rear exhaust manifold. Then I ran into a problem. The engine started to run hot and I was losing coolant. I Looked around and found that I had coolant in the oil. Yes that’s right leaking lower intake manifold (LIM). Looked like butterscotch pudding. By the way I hate butterscotch! So for the fun part, I got real brave! Since I was going to be taking the top engine off, I took it all off. Yes the heads too. With the rear exhaust manifold cracked I figured all gaskets had been cooked pretty good plus this made it easier to pull off the rear manifold and get everything cleaned up. This is labor intensive but it went good, no broken bolts, no scratching my head, came apart nice and went back together nice. Well almost nice. I did not pay attention to the push rods. There are two different lengths for intake and for the exhaust. The correct sizes are in the right location just not back in the prior location before tear down. Once it was all back together it started, but idles really rough and gets hot really quick. It will stall once you put it gear. Also there is a knock ever once I awhile. I did pull the rods to make sure they weren’t bent and put them back and still knocks. I did not check compression seeing that it ran fine before tear down. Did not have the heads checked. Everything is torque to spec, Oil changed, filter changed, spark plugs change, all wiring checked, coolant changed, cleaned TB, no leaks, cleaned, cleaned, cleaned………………………. Any ideas what the problem is? Did I miss a step that would cause it to run like a pig and not be able to drive at all. Any suggestions? I am about ready to junk it but can’t pull myself to do it since it ran fine and drove fine before I beheaded it. I appreciate any help at all so, “Thank you” in advance!
