Apparently I am still "Dad strong". I broke off two bolts between plenum and intake manifold. Pretty sure the bolts are too small to drill and reverse, but I will order a new extractor set and give it a try. Originally, I was going to junkyard to get a drivers door, but decided to put top of the engine back together after cleaning egr, and replacing map sensor and faulty tps. I should have went to junkyard first and weakened myself up first. 1991 cutlass supreme convertible 3.1. Man I am pissed off at myself.
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Dad strong - intake manifold
Woah, you broke 2 intake bolts on a gen 2? Were they corroded in or were you tightening them up with a 1/2" impact?Thats rough, I thought you broke 2 ears off the upper and it would be a gen 3 motor. Thats the common way to go but gen 2 is a much different design. The bolts with the rubber sleeves?