Well it's side to side in a transverse mounting. Front to back in standard.
I picked up a 3.4 out of a '95 Camaro in hopes it could get me by for a while. But rotating it yielded a metal contact noise for every full cam rotation. I kept spinning it and noticed that when it makes the noise the cam moves forward maybe a 1/4". So I side-loaded one of the lobes and the cam moved to a point where it sounded like it contacted the back of the timing cover. Dropping the pan I found two items. One is a black plastic cylinder about 1" long and .64" in diameter with a metal sleeve inside it. There was also a small black plastic wheel with a 1" stem on it that dropped out too. I think a bird stole the wheel. He was sitting there when I came out of the house and I noticed it was gone shortly after. I got as far as pulling the timing cover and found a little stretch but nothing horrid. All the oil was just black. No frothing anywhere.
Any ideas why the cam walks so far?
Any idea what the black plastic devices were?
I'm hoping to get 20,000 to 25,000 miles on this engine. Any help would be appreciated.
I picked up a 3.4 out of a '95 Camaro in hopes it could get me by for a while. But rotating it yielded a metal contact noise for every full cam rotation. I kept spinning it and noticed that when it makes the noise the cam moves forward maybe a 1/4". So I side-loaded one of the lobes and the cam moved to a point where it sounded like it contacted the back of the timing cover. Dropping the pan I found two items. One is a black plastic cylinder about 1" long and .64" in diameter with a metal sleeve inside it. There was also a small black plastic wheel with a 1" stem on it that dropped out too. I think a bird stole the wheel. He was sitting there when I came out of the house and I noticed it was gone shortly after. I got as far as pulling the timing cover and found a little stretch but nothing horrid. All the oil was just black. No frothing anywhere.
Any ideas why the cam walks so far?
Any idea what the black plastic devices were?
I'm hoping to get 20,000 to 25,000 miles on this engine. Any help would be appreciated.