Do you idiots who think the 3800 and its systems are out of date actually KNOW anything about it?
If you get into the engine, you would realize there are actually some fairly advanced technologies contained in it. There are knock retard sensors incorporated into the engine which detect pre-combustion before it happens, and the system then compensates by retarding the engine so you don't have combustion on the piston up-stroke. Unless you want that of course..... You can easily diminsh the knock by adding a simple intercooler which both Thrasher, and Intense-Racing offer.
Did you know that iron heads aren't bad? Think about it.. What is stronger, and longer lasting? Iron, or Aluminium... A simple lesson in chemistry would teach you that iron, is the stronger and longer lasting of the two.
This might come as a HUGE shocker to you, but did you know you can buy titanium teflon coated pistons?
Man thats crazy isn't it! Did you also know you can get teflon coated heads?
OH MY GOD! Did you know that teflon on teflon is said to have less friction than ice on ice?
Take a breath, so your brains don't overload now... But i'm guessing your aluminum heads are better than that. And stronger then titanium, even though titanium is one of the strongest know metals on this planet...
Our 3800 has been driven into the ground since day one, and its still runs strong as hell at 160,000km's and doesn't burn a drop of oil. The 3800 wasn't designed as a cheap, compact, light, short-term engine unlike some others i can mention
It's built to be ABUSED throughout its life, and it takes it, and LASTS.
Would you shut your hole about the supercharger being a "power adder" too? We know a supercharger is a power adder you mofo... Unless there are some people in here that think its designed to heat your speakers.. (Wouldn't surprise me in here!!) Your rediculous engine is DOHC, which the 3800 is not. So if we can't use SC's to compare, then your DOHC doesn't compare either.
Almost all 3800's make it to 300000+km's EASILY with regular oil changes.
I don't really understand.
BETTERTHANYOU makes a very good point. Do you ever here complaints about the ancient technology in a 350, or 454?? Just because its older, doesn't mean its not better than what you own it just means that older technology has been IMPROVED upon and been around and all the bugs have been worked out. I would much rather spend my dollar on a proven engine, than a new engine with brand new ideas that haven't been around for more than 10 years.
So, grow up and get your ugly head out of your dirty ass.
Also, would you quit complaining about how expensive things are for 3800's! It just means 3800 owners are willing to spend the extra dollar for better quality parts. I would rather pay the extra buck for something than get a shitty part, like you must be aquiring.
If your a poor bastard who can't afford to spend money on aftermarket, then i suggest you get a 3400.
Who ever says they don't read longs posts, thats nice? Your problem not mine! Dumbass. Just because one insignificant person says they didn't read it, (when in reality they probably did!) that doesn't mean no body else has!
BTW Nice information NORM!
If you get into the engine, you would realize there are actually some fairly advanced technologies contained in it. There are knock retard sensors incorporated into the engine which detect pre-combustion before it happens, and the system then compensates by retarding the engine so you don't have combustion on the piston up-stroke. Unless you want that of course..... You can easily diminsh the knock by adding a simple intercooler which both Thrasher, and Intense-Racing offer.
Did you know that iron heads aren't bad? Think about it.. What is stronger, and longer lasting? Iron, or Aluminium... A simple lesson in chemistry would teach you that iron, is the stronger and longer lasting of the two.
This might come as a HUGE shocker to you, but did you know you can buy titanium teflon coated pistons?

Our 3800 has been driven into the ground since day one, and its still runs strong as hell at 160,000km's and doesn't burn a drop of oil. The 3800 wasn't designed as a cheap, compact, light, short-term engine unlike some others i can mention

It's built to be ABUSED throughout its life, and it takes it, and LASTS.
Would you shut your hole about the supercharger being a "power adder" too? We know a supercharger is a power adder you mofo... Unless there are some people in here that think its designed to heat your speakers.. (Wouldn't surprise me in here!!) Your rediculous engine is DOHC, which the 3800 is not. So if we can't use SC's to compare, then your DOHC doesn't compare either.
Almost all 3800's make it to 300000+km's EASILY with regular oil changes.
I don't really understand.
BETTERTHANYOU makes a very good point. Do you ever here complaints about the ancient technology in a 350, or 454?? Just because its older, doesn't mean its not better than what you own it just means that older technology has been IMPROVED upon and been around and all the bugs have been worked out. I would much rather spend my dollar on a proven engine, than a new engine with brand new ideas that haven't been around for more than 10 years.
So, grow up and get your ugly head out of your dirty ass.
Also, would you quit complaining about how expensive things are for 3800's! It just means 3800 owners are willing to spend the extra dollar for better quality parts. I would rather pay the extra buck for something than get a shitty part, like you must be aquiring.
If your a poor bastard who can't afford to spend money on aftermarket, then i suggest you get a 3400.
Who ever says they don't read longs posts, thats nice? Your problem not mine! Dumbass. Just because one insignificant person says they didn't read it, (when in reality they probably did!) that doesn't mean no body else has!
BTW Nice information NORM!