Hey: New to this site but have a few questions about a 3400.I bought a 95 Camaro from a friend that had run hot.while he was tearing down the motor he found a broke head bolt or broke one in process,couldn't get real story.
Anyway have since pulled block and tore down rest of the way.Wondering how far can the 3400 be bored .010,.020,.030 and what would be the recommended last resort to bore to? Has a few places in cyl wall that would
like to clean up but not sure as to how far to go.
Also was wondering as far as the v6 go what parts are interchangable to the
3400. Can find all kinds 3800 in everything and 2.8 as well but very few 3400
Can a 3800 be swapped into this car,if so what would have to be done?
Are there better options as to adding a little performance to what i have withouit breaking the bank? I know this was a few more questions than i started out with but while was here thought would ask some.These v6's are
new to me and this site is great.I just feel like a kid on here because most
everybody seems to have been dealing with these v6 a while.
Thanks Shrek

Anyway have since pulled block and tore down rest of the way.Wondering how far can the 3400 be bored .010,.020,.030 and what would be the recommended last resort to bore to? Has a few places in cyl wall that would
like to clean up but not sure as to how far to go.
Also was wondering as far as the v6 go what parts are interchangable to the
3400. Can find all kinds 3800 in everything and 2.8 as well but very few 3400
Can a 3800 be swapped into this car,if so what would have to be done?
Are there better options as to adding a little performance to what i have withouit breaking the bank? I know this was a few more questions than i started out with but while was here thought would ask some.These v6's are
new to me and this site is great.I just feel like a kid on here because most
everybody seems to have been dealing with these v6 a while.
Thanks Shrek
