No... what I was saying is that once you get your motor "tuned" where you want it or its maximun advance for the engine, or what the engine is capable of, and your in that "borderline" or on the edge of detonation, to richen the mixture a little to be safe.
Yes, too much timing and fuel is never good!!
And the more efficent the engine is the less timing you will need.
Still you are always trying to keep homeostasis or 14.7/ 1 - A/f ratio at least, while 15/1 A/F won't hurt you, and is more safe, yet comes at a loss of power to not have detonation issues... thats all.
I love you guys ....
Yes, too much timing and fuel is never good!!
And the more efficent the engine is the less timing you will need.
Still you are always trying to keep homeostasis or 14.7/ 1 - A/f ratio at least, while 15/1 A/F won't hurt you, and is more safe, yet comes at a loss of power to not have detonation issues... thats all.
I love you guys ....