I found a text file from when I had measured a set of 94 3100 heads and the 96 3400 heads. All measurements were taken in the same place, so the port widths are valid as an equal comparison. The valve seat width should be of more interest to some than the recent valve head diameter since that is the real flow improvement. Anyway, posted in case I lose this info again in a sea of unorganized multiple computer file misplacement
3100 head 10154743
Intake height 1.617
Intake width 1.02
Exhaust Height 1.247
Exhaust Width 1.213
Intake valve seat 1.480
Exhaust valve seat 1.177
3400 head 10218170
Intake height 1.70
Intake width 1.033
Exhaust Height 1.244
Exhaust Width 1.217
Intake valve seat 1.574
Exhaust valve seat 1.170
3100 head 10154743
Intake height 1.617
Intake width 1.02
Exhaust Height 1.247
Exhaust Width 1.213
Intake valve seat 1.480
Exhaust valve seat 1.177
3400 head 10218170
Intake height 1.70
Intake width 1.033
Exhaust Height 1.244
Exhaust Width 1.217
Intake valve seat 1.574
Exhaust valve seat 1.170