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Forklift Tranny

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  • Forklift Tranny

    Here is a neat question for the tranny experts. At work, we have an old Clark forklift. For some strange reason, the owner will not replace it. Four weeks ago, the radiator sprung a rust hole leak. I pulled it, complained it was toast, owner had it fixed. ($675.00) Last week, tranny fluid was coming out of the overflow. No rocket science here! Cooler leak!

    Imagine my surprise to find out the coolant had also invaded the tranny! (No surprise, oil floats and water doesn't.) It looked like Strawberry Quik! Owner wants it fixed! ($950.00) He is an old man, set in his ways. And tight....Couldn't drive a staight-pin up his ass with a Jackhammer.

    How many think, that after the tranny cooler is repaired, the tranny fails? Ethelyne Glycol does not play well with clutches. I should make this a contest as to how long will it last! :P I'm glad he will never see this....
    If you are driving a Chevy, everything else, is just a blur. 3.4 Carbon Footprint.

  • #2
    RE: Forklift Tranny

    well, the clutch material is bonded to the clutch plates with a water soluble glue, so water in the tranny means the frictions are gonna fall apart.

    what kind of motor does it have??? is it a big forklift??? any clue on what kind of tranny it is??? my gues is your gonna have one hell of a time getting stuff to fix it.


    • #3
      Let's just say it is old. 4 cyl, 7500lb capacity, no idea on the tranny yet, hope it never gets that far... I wanna see flowers planted in it. I have more important things to do than Babysit a Geriatric POS. (The forklift,not him) But he does pay me well. So....
      If you are driving a Chevy, everything else, is just a blur. 3.4 Carbon Footprint.


      • #4
        You know, I've got faith in the old girl. I bet it lasts a lot longer than you think.

        We've got this old Patrick fork lift at work and that thing won't die. Brutal -30 C DEAD cold starts with ether, no warm-ups. Got to keep your foot on it to keep it going. Think will barly move the diff oil is so thick. Then you go lift somethink way over capacity and rev the piss right out of it. Then shut it down let it freeze back up and do it again. It just keeps going, no regular maintenance, it has more oil leaks than I can count. It's like a rainbow under that thing if you park it for more than a day. Gear, Hydraulic, Engine and Gear oil plus a little Deisel and Coolant to mix it up.

        We,ve nick named her Patty. I'd like to see her get a once over on the engine, hydraulics and tranny. But like your boss mine is toit too.


