I worked my ASS OFF to get some cash to buy a GP with a GOOD tranny, work my ASS OFF swapping the ***ING tranny (in my own driveway with a shitty lift) by myself, with my 'rents CONSTANTLY bitching me about STUPID SHIT,
and i FINALLY got it running last night. Take it to school, and on the way home BOOM! Something ***ING EXPLODES in the transmission! ***! Now i've got no ride ONCE AGAIN and i'm ***ing broke!!!!!!
this sucks
Doesn't help at all i still owe someone money, and i was planning on buying those headlight covers from Philbert after i pay this guy off...which is STILL the plan! I already planned on paying the guy back this weekend...i've been putting it off for the longest time...and i was gonna do that, then buy the shit from Philbert since i said i already was gonna do it...
Good thing this is my FIRST car! I'da ditched this thing if it wasn't .
I'm probably going to get a Z34 here soon (after paying off Philbert and the guys i owe money too). There's a beat-up one here local for sale...and it's a 5spd. That'll be the daily while i rebuild another tranny for the GP...which is going to take a long ass time being a broke-ass 17 y/o!
i just can't beleive all the time and shit i spend on this, and how much trouble i went through to get it started! The starting was a bitch, but yesterday i DID get it running. I didn't know to be pissed or excited...lol.. It would start, but would NOT hold. First thing that comes to mind- vacuum line, right? So i rip off the plenum, replace ALL the vacuum lines, close it up, soak it with starter fluid, starts up and immediately dies. BIG WTF? I check every wire, every sensor, every connection. The only wires that i left off were some red wire that is some kind of diagnostic wire i'm guessing. Beside it was a black wire with a ring terminal. The red one was never attached to anything, and since there black wire with a ring terminal coming beside it, i figured it was that power/diagnostic of some sort's ground wire. Well my friend comes along "hey what's this". Me thinking, ah it's just a ground wire for that un-used power wire, no biggie. He puts it onto the pos. terminal off the fuse box on the driver side fender, and i'm thinking WTF that's a ground! Well we start it, and sure enough it holds! It's a little rough, but we figured out it came from the EGR. Plugged that up, and it was good! did the standard procedure for filling a tranny with fluid....just doing a few quarts, running it through the gears, then one quart at a time, running it through the gears. Start it up this morning, and took it to school. All was great!!! Then i get about 1/2 way home, and POP! Then i hear some kinda spinning noise, and the car doesn't move. I was only HOPING it was my brand new warranteed half-shaft...but it sure as hell wasn't! SO i still don't even know what the problem was. Moral of the story this blows! I spent so much time on this, as i was interupted a few times by some events (having to go to Cali, etc).
I work my ass off for this, then boom! Hah, that sucks!
Fortunately i already had a plan for this summer though
I'm gonna try to have my 'rents spot me some kinda advance to pick up that Z34 as i build up the GP.
I worked my ASS OFF to get some cash to buy a GP with a GOOD tranny, work my ASS OFF swapping the ***ING tranny (in my own driveway with a shitty lift) by myself, with my 'rents CONSTANTLY bitching me about STUPID SHIT,
and i FINALLY got it running last night. Take it to school, and on the way home BOOM! Something ***ING EXPLODES in the transmission! ***! Now i've got no ride ONCE AGAIN and i'm ***ing broke!!!!!!
this sucks

Doesn't help at all i still owe someone money, and i was planning on buying those headlight covers from Philbert after i pay this guy off...which is STILL the plan! I already planned on paying the guy back this weekend...i've been putting it off for the longest time...and i was gonna do that, then buy the shit from Philbert since i said i already was gonna do it...
Good thing this is my FIRST car! I'da ditched this thing if it wasn't .
I'm probably going to get a Z34 here soon (after paying off Philbert and the guys i owe money too). There's a beat-up one here local for sale...and it's a 5spd. That'll be the daily while i rebuild another tranny for the GP...which is going to take a long ass time being a broke-ass 17 y/o!
i just can't beleive all the time and shit i spend on this, and how much trouble i went through to get it started! The starting was a bitch, but yesterday i DID get it running. I didn't know to be pissed or excited...lol.. It would start, but would NOT hold. First thing that comes to mind- vacuum line, right? So i rip off the plenum, replace ALL the vacuum lines, close it up, soak it with starter fluid, starts up and immediately dies. BIG WTF? I check every wire, every sensor, every connection. The only wires that i left off were some red wire that is some kind of diagnostic wire i'm guessing. Beside it was a black wire with a ring terminal. The red one was never attached to anything, and since there black wire with a ring terminal coming beside it, i figured it was that power/diagnostic of some sort's ground wire. Well my friend comes along "hey what's this". Me thinking, ah it's just a ground wire for that un-used power wire, no biggie. He puts it onto the pos. terminal off the fuse box on the driver side fender, and i'm thinking WTF that's a ground! Well we start it, and sure enough it holds! It's a little rough, but we figured out it came from the EGR. Plugged that up, and it was good! did the standard procedure for filling a tranny with fluid....just doing a few quarts, running it through the gears, then one quart at a time, running it through the gears. Start it up this morning, and took it to school. All was great!!! Then i get about 1/2 way home, and POP! Then i hear some kinda spinning noise, and the car doesn't move. I was only HOPING it was my brand new warranteed half-shaft...but it sure as hell wasn't! SO i still don't even know what the problem was. Moral of the story this blows! I spent so much time on this, as i was interupted a few times by some events (having to go to Cali, etc).
I work my ass off for this, then boom! Hah, that sucks!
Fortunately i already had a plan for this summer though

I'm gonna try to have my 'rents spot me some kinda advance to pick up that Z34 as i build up the GP.