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Trans face bolt pattern dwg

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  • Trans face bolt pattern dwg

    I'm planning a project car where I will need to make my own adapter to hook the engine and trans. I've looked all over and there is nothing commercially available.

    I'm looking for a engineering drawing/blueprint that shows the bolt pattern (spacing between bolts, bolt location referenced to the crank centerline, that sort of stuff) on the trans end of a 60 degree engine.

    Anybody got something they can post or a link?

    Is this something I could buy (at reasonable cost) from GM? A name or a address for that person or group that such a request could be sent to?

    That drawing that is at the top left corner of the forum pages would be just the thing... if it had dimensions on it.

    Piper 106

  • #2
    Here you go. The dimensions are in millimeters.
    He who dies with the most toys is still dead.


    • #3
      Thanks smilinguy99. Just what I needed.

      Can you tell where you get stuff like this, just in case we need details like this for another engine or trans? Or is it super top secret where you get your stuff, you know, if you tell me where it comes from, then you have to kill me?



      • #4
        Well, I'll tell you, but you MUST promise not to tell a soul. The source is the Chevrolet Power book with a GM part number of 24502488 p169.

        When you give the P/N to the counter guy, just act like you know what you are doing. If you look like a guy in the know, they'll probably think you're cool and sell it to you without checking your security clearance. Security is pretty lax around those parts departments.

        I got mine mail order from

        Glad to help,
        He who dies with the most toys is still dead.


        • #5
          That is part of what I am looking for. Is that drawing for a FWD or a RWD bellhousing? Do you have a drawing of the other bellhousing? I am thinking about mating a FWD 60 degree v6 engine to a RWD auto tranny and need dimensions for an adapter. Does anyone make an adapter to do this?


          • #6
            FWD and RWD 60* use the same bellhousing pattern.


            • #7
              Originally posted by detrik31
              That is part of what I am looking for. Is that drawing for a FWD or a RWD bellhousing? Do you have a drawing of the other bellhousing? I am thinking about mating a FWD 60 degree v6 engine to a RWD auto tranny and need dimensions for an adapter. Does anyone make an adapter to do this?
              Like patgizz said, the bolt patterns are the same. However, the location of the starter is on the "right" side of most RWD motors and the starter is on the "left" side of most FWD motors.
              He who dies with the most toys is still dead.

