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Removing transmission from 3.1 3100 SFI V6

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  • Removing transmission from 3.1 3100 SFI V6


    I need to remove the tranny from the motor so I can pop the engine up. Is it possible to unbolt the tranny and slide it back? To get it unmounted from the block? This thing is a behemoth, it looks to be even larger than the engine. Gives me flashbacks to the time my 6 Speed feel and crushed my arm when It slid off the jack. If this thing fell on me I'm sure I'd be pushing up daises.

  • #2
    Yes, it is a big hunk and will do some damage if it falls on you.

    What car is it in? On the berettas you can unbolt it, unbolt the T/C, slide it back off the nub, and work the tranny over a little to get past the alignment pins and lift the motor out. Pretty easy actually. Other cars I am not sure of
    95 Beretta- Lg8 Daily Driver
    94 Beretta z26- First ever 5-speed 3500 L body- In the works.

