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Bullet proof 3t40

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  • Bullet proof 3t40 a j/y tranny and it sucked. It was shifting like old grandma...and third was slipping like a Crutch Rocket on ice. The TCC seliniod gave out after a highway run..and had to do nutral drops to unstick it...which I didn't give a flying fart..I wanted to kill this tranny cuz I got warrenty anyway. The tranny looked like a rebuilt unit..but oh well.

    Well anyway...I got another one from a 92 cavi that had a 2.2. This tranny for sure is a rebuilt unit.. even the TQconverter is painted a new blue color. Is this tranny even weaker than the v6 tranny or are all 3t40s equal?

    Anyway...I know theres high friction clutches and good steels for these trannies.. What else do I need to buy to make this tranny almost bullet proof.. Well for it to handle altlest 350hp. and 400lbs. A sub manual valve body would be nice.

    Any one ever built one? Anyone ever bought one?
    ANY and I mean ANY help is apreciated.
    88 Beretta GTU turbo . 90 Black ASC/McLaren TGP, awaiting 4t80. 2003 Grand AM se 3400/4t45 daily grind.

  • #2
    Well, I do believe they still make the tranny, and newer tranny probably means stronger/better parts. They have used several kinds of TCC clutches over the years, red fiber, carbon, and something else I can't remember on the newest ones.


    • #3
      The transmission itself is nearly identical. There are at least two final drive ratios however, 2.84 and 3.18. and two converter stall speeds, 1800 and 2700? The 4-cyl will have at least the higher stall speed converter.

      Cliff Scott
      89 BerettaGT
      89 Volvo740
      Cliff Scott
      89 BerettaGT
      04 AleroGX


      • #4
        OK so they have only two gear ratios for final drive..and the 4s had higher stalls.?..Hmm..I've heard they had almost 5 different final drives for the years they had the 3t40.....I donno.

        And on the clutches...Are you sure your talking about the clutch packs...or the torque converter itself...I thought all tq converter clutches (stator...spelling?) were made of alloy. I will be searching more for the clutches though. Any help with the valve body would be nice .

        By the way...who has the strongest engine behind the 3t40 here?
        88 Beretta GTU turbo . 90 Black ASC/McLaren TGP, awaiting 4t80. 2003 Grand AM se 3400/4t45 daily grind.


        • #5
          OK found a site that has a performace rebuild kit...MaKCO Distributing.

          That is the direct link to the 125c/3t40 parts.

          I want to order the performance rebuil kit with the red eagle clutches and Kolene steels. Is that a good price. Also I want to order the valve body kits..but what does the TV kit do?..its the last item.

          What else do you think I need?

          I have taken my first trans apart ...the one whos 2nd gear didn't work.
          Well 2nd gear clutch pack look did the 1st. (1st gear clutches are the ones next to the differentail right...then the 2nd gear ones?...then third right next to the drivers side)Everthing was good...So I assume the valve body had a stuck 2nd gear valve. However...3rd was fried to hell...all carboned up and the clutches were all metal and warped to boot..due to 1st to 3rd hard shifts and the trans droping itself looking for 2nd and then slamming itself into 3rd.
          I am not going to rebuilt this tranny...but maybe keep the differential. It looks way new and solid...It used to be a GMGoodwrench rebuilt tranny. the weather got to the rest of the trans.
          I am going to buy another trans to rebuil on...or do you recomend to rebuild the trans that in the car right now?....Its a 92 3t40 off a issuzu 4cy pwered Cavi RS.

          Also..on that site...they sell a Torqe converter for a 4t65 listed on the 125c/3t40 converter list...Is it compatible with it...any possible gain from this?.
          I am just tired of repacing the trans...And I don't want to replace it with a OD tranny cuz then I would have to worry about OD frying.

          Thanks again.
          88 Beretta GTU turbo . 90 Black ASC/McLaren TGP, awaiting 4t80. 2003 Grand AM se 3400/4t45 daily grind.


          • #6
            Like if anybody knows.. ...but is that Lumina minivan 3t40 stronger than the beretta 3t40?...I would think so. GMs been know to put stronger parts on diffrent cars.

            I went scouting at the Junk yard...and found that all 3t40s had diffrent lettereing on the model info Tab by the shifter linkage. I could make out that the fist number is the year...some had numbes....others didn't...then the first letter is the engine...then the body of the car..J...j-body...L...l-body...P..Pontiac(was on a 88or89 grand prix?...then most had the letter C at the end. One example is 5*LC (*...I couldn't recall the letter). This was on a 95 Beretta with the Izusu engine.
            Then onther one...a 89 I belive Beretta with the 3.1...had LLC on it. Anybody have info on this?.....throw me a freaking bone here!
            88 Beretta GTU turbo . 90 Black ASC/McLaren TGP, awaiting 4t80. 2003 Grand AM se 3400/4t45 daily grind.


            • #7
              - More than a couple gearsets and convertors

              There are 3 final drives assy. and 4 combos of drive/driven gears to give you a maximum of 12 effective gear ratios.

              Final Drives: 2.84:1, 3.06:1 and 3.33:1
              Gear Combos: 32T/38T, 33T/37T, 35T/35T, 37T/33T. (Drive/Driven)

              This will net you 2.39:1 to 3.73:1 ratios


              There are 5 converter stall speeds, 1420, 1630, 1895, 2060, 2375rpm. I have a 1995 3T40 apart on my bench right now, and I'd rather have the trans out of my old Z24 verus this one from a 1995 Sunfire. I've got needle bearing on the magnet, and this from a 2.2L OHV, wish it had power engine. Anyways going to rebuild and put behind my 3300 Buick, it should hold together.


              • #8
                u can get a higher stall then 2375. the quad 4's came with 2760 stall speed


                • #9
                  Thanks for your replies.

                  Well tell me...Have you taken a 4t60 apart...does it have clutches simmilar to the 3t40? Do you think this thing can hold 350+hp and tq?
                  I am going to stick with the 3.06 gears and the 1.4K converter cuz I don't want to lose top speed. Althogh those high gear and high stalled conveter will get me down the stright aways quick.

                  Well I've been dogging the J/Y tranny and its been crying uncle. It seems to lock it self. Even in park...the trans seems to be engaged. I try reving the engine...but it will only load the engine... in nutral too...well all the gears...even in revers. It sometimes unlocks when I step on it in revers for a while. What a peace of crap. It has had 2Qs of Mobile 1 ($4 each) and the rest AAMCO synthetic blend ($3each).

                  Is it just me or have I had bad luck as of lately with theise trannies. If the performace rebuild doen't work..I might go with a 4t60 if I could eliminate OD or go with a 5spd.
                  88 Beretta GTU turbo . 90 Black ASC/McLaren TGP, awaiting 4t80. 2003 Grand AM se 3400/4t45 daily grind.


                  • #10
                    i would go with a 4t60 but that is just because i know more about them.... but the elminating the over drive thing would definatly limit your top speed...... mine redlines at about 115 in 3rd..... and that is a 7000 redline on my dohc
                    1994 Cutlass Supreme Convertible 3.4 DOHC
                    1969 Oldsmobile 442
                    1997 Chevy Tahoe


                    • #11
                      Perhaps I'm not understanding the logic for wanting a 3-speed over a 4-speed?

                      You'd really be better off with the getrag 282 I think they make performance rebuild kits for them... I think there are LSD's for them too.

                      There are people on here that know.
                      Currently attending Wyotech, Fremont, CA. Start Date: 1.24.05. Grad. Date: 4.21.06
                      1992 Chevy Lumina Z34 5 Speed FOR SALE $1400 AS IS RUNS WELL


                      • #12
                        if you have money, just take it to level 10, they'll build something un-blow-able for you, and they'll put a warranty on their work to which is nice.


                        • #13
                          The reason for me to eliminate OD on a 4t60 is cuz its useless in performace. Its a ONE clutch deal. Its purpose is fuel economy...nothing more. Everyone I know has killed their 440-t4/4t60s in high speed runs....Once they stop at a stop sighn....the thing acts like its in Neutral(OD fried and locked). Every performace build up on those 4t60s are for the first 3 gears...OD isn't even touched. I might be wrong.
                          The 5spd is my final requres more work than just dropping a auto...but it also has about the same top speed as the 4t60..
                          I have heard of level 10. But thats if I go with the 4t60/4t65. I don't see anything for the 3t40 there. And for a while...I won't have $3K to spend on a trans .It's worth the money...but not now.

                          The thing is I want a little of both worlds. The consistancy of a auto for drag racing...which the 5spd lacks. But I also want top speed. The 5spd will get me there no sweat. Maybe Im gready.
                          88 Beretta GTU turbo . 90 Black ASC/McLaren TGP, awaiting 4t80. 2003 Grand AM se 3400/4t45 daily grind.


                          • #14
                            A guy from just had his 3t40 built by Level 10

                            Well I finally got the tranny back from Level 10 just got to button it up which will be tommorrow. Final gear ratio of 3.91. Tranny has the following 300-3200 stall converter for nitrous furnace brazed extra fins the whole 9 yards,PTS Clutches,PTS heated treated steels,PTS super pump...
                            92 Sunbird GT, 3200 Hybrid 13.99@ 95.22 (2004)
                            90 Eagle Talon TSi AWD 10.54 @ 129mph.


                            • #15
                              well depending on what year 4t60 it is.... some are 2 clutch overdrives, i know mine it.......... i have hade mine at numerous high speed runs... and have never fride or locked up overdrive...... and the performance rebuild kit i went with die have stuf for overdrive
                              1994 Cutlass Supreme Convertible 3.4 DOHC
                              1969 Oldsmobile 442
                              1997 Chevy Tahoe

