Just bought a 95 beretta that had a manual swap done to it, says he used a 1990 cavalier trans with the 2.8, says it's the getrag 282. Just a question on it, he also says he installed a spec 2 clutch in it. You can tell it's some sort of fiber tough or ceramic while driving. When going in reverse it chatters pretty bad, do you guys with tougher clutches expierence the same thing? Or do you guys think something is wrong with the trans? The speedo doesn't work, as explained in the next paragraph, so I haven't taken it anywhere besides the parking lot where I had the transport truck drop it off. But took it through all the gears in the parking lot and they all seem to be working fine. Just takes a second to get used to the clutch 
If anyone has done this manual swap in their berettas, also have another question. Tac works but speedo doesnt, so i'm assuming that he didnt get the speedo wired in correctly. Anyone have wiring diagrams for this, and pictures are cool

If anyone has done this manual swap in their berettas, also have another question. Tac works but speedo doesnt, so i'm assuming that he didnt get the speedo wired in correctly. Anyone have wiring diagrams for this, and pictures are cool
