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Domestic Preformance Tranny

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  • #16
    Oh ..hello

    Yes I usually jump right in with a reply but as of late i have been very busy..And for some reason the forward notice that lets me know the thread was responded to did not show up on my E_mail.

    I will send you the info and more details with a private E-mail.

    The main reason I mentioned a local shop was the cost to walk a transaxle across the border is very large and a well armed transaxle shop in Alberta can get you the same product for around the same price as mine.

    "other" shops online and otherwise are able to access the same parts bin as I am and really the only difference is the Attitude towards the final product.



    • #17
      Thanks for the reply.



      • #18
        Anybody seen SPEEDYGUY?



        • #19
          Has anyone here swaped in a 4T65E-HD tranny in place of a 60E before. What has to be changed and is their a benefit to doing this?



          • #20
            The benefit is that it can handle more power. I wouldn't think that much has to change in the way of tranny mounts, but I'm sure you will have to go to a new computer as the 65E has more electronic controls than the 60E.

            Didn't someone make a 4T60E-HD though?


            • #21
              A 60 is stronger stock than 65 in many ways. I wouldn't bother unless you think you are reallying going to beat it up bad. However, Ty can get you a "HD" 60 if you like.
              It\'s ugly, and turbocharged!
              264 HP and 284 ft/lbs at the wheels(@9psi), power curve like none other!
              And the transaxle to get it to the ground!


              • #22
                Like this one?

                Kinda expensive, huh?

                What the fuck is this then? These are listed on the same site. Whats the difference?



                • #23
                  I've heard the 60 is stronger then the 65 and the exact opposite, which is true I don't know. What I do know is that the 65 has a market behind it and built ones are running behind engines that just about everybody here cannot compare to. Intense's turbo car has its shift points set at or above 7000 and they told me their transmissions hold it.

                  If I had the choice between a built 60 from Domestic Performance ($3400) and a built 65 from Intense ($3000 + $750 core) I would choose the Intense one hands down. The ASG 60 says nothing about what parts were replaced beyond "weak", and I remember from way back that the majority of them were replacement HD parts from GM. Intense says exactly what they do and have had much more testing and miles put on behind more powerfull engines.

                  For electronics, the 65 has a hell of a lot more then the 60 but there are only 2 things you need to worry about.
                  1. 60 has a on/off TCC solonoid (some got a second PWM solonoid to regulate pressure to the main one). 65 has a single PWM TCC solonoid, it may be able to be operated in on/off mode or not, I do now know.
                  2. 60 has a vacuum pressure control valve, 65 has a PWM electric one. Either you get real good at Motorolla 68HC11 assembly and make the PCM control it or you learn electronics and make a control device that way.


                  • #24
                    I'm thinking towards intense myself, how much do you think these extras will run me? Assuming that I will need a custom chip to control it.



                    • #25
                      Intense's tranny also blew up (if you dind't know) on the track. Trust me, their unit is nothing special. You should look closer though, it's not $3000+ core. It's $3800 + core if you want shafts, something of a must.

                      The DP slip diff. is much better (comes from EP acutally). The DP torque converter is every bit as good if not better.

                      In the end all Intense does is repackage stuff you can buy yourself. The few custom parts they use they overcharge you for them (ie input shaft). It's not like they build anything themselves... it's all bought.

                      About the DP transmissions... all they did was put a torque converter and a LSD in the unit instead of selling them seperately.

                      If your case I wouldn't even thing about it, I would go with DP's becuase you won't have to fuss with a computer program, which is a PITA. I know, I keep adding things that need it.
                      It\'s ugly, and turbocharged!
                      264 HP and 284 ft/lbs at the wheels(@9psi), power curve like none other!
                      And the transaxle to get it to the ground!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by phantom505
                        Intense's tranny also blew up (if you dind't know) on the track. Trust me, their unit is nothing special. You should look closer though, it's not $3000+ core. It's $3800 + core if you want shafts, something of a must.
                        I did, but they are pushing how much power now? Between 600 and 700? I really would like to know how long the DP one would last, but untill there is a test (never) its just gonna be speculation.

                        And yes, the programming is beyond all but what a very select few can/will do.


                        • #27
                          <sigh> You seriously think they sell the exact same transmission they had on their car to the general public? Yeah right. I know otherwise......
                          It\'s ugly, and turbocharged!
                          264 HP and 284 ft/lbs at the wheels(@9psi), power curve like none other!
                          And the transaxle to get it to the ground!


                          • #28
                            Probably not. Since it is a company I am willing to bet they got a few test run parts in there, but for the most parts its probably the same.

                            Whats the DP tranny been run behind? Cars and power levels. How many of these cars and for how long?

                            I know that the Intense tranny is being run behind a great number of torquey L67's in heavy ass w-body's that are running 11's and 12's.

                            And the import world has started picking up on which transmission? Thats right, the 4t65. The 4t60 is cheaper and easier to find, a bit lighter, and much easier to control electronically. Now why did they choose the 4t65? And why did GM get rid of the 4t60 and start using the 4t65?


                            • #29
                              Actually I did some looking. I'm not sure what kind of torque the SC's build for the faster cars, but Intnse's car doesn't put down that much torque. Using their graphs they aren't even in the 500 ft/lbs range. They have huge HP, but that's not what tends to kill transmissions. Besides that they blew it up too.

                              I don't know who all Ty has sold transmissions to. I'm don't think he has any super high power users, but trust me, his builder is quite capabale. His builder works on RACE cars, not just "pro stock" or whatever you want to call the aftermarket. If you want to know the low down on the pissing contest, email Ty and ask him. Besides that Ty is doing some really neat innovative stuff, something Intense doesn't even try to do (and no I do not consider that turbo setup of theirs that innovative, I'm sure there are plenty of Grand Nationals that there that are fairly simple). I just wouldn't put so much money and faith into a company just to go from a 65 to 60 when a 60 will do.

                              I guess part of my problem was that Intense wouldn't lift a finder to help me in the past. I realized quickly that it was not so much as they would not help me, it was they can not help me. For people that claimed to want to sell products and work on things, I thought working with me to make a 4T45 to 4T65 would have been well within their capability, I was wrong. I even have pictures of the mounts and information on how to do the swap and they still wouldn't give me the time of day.

                              BTW, how much power are we talking about anyway? A 60 has pretty respectable handling with fairly minor improvements.

                              As far as GM adding/dropping cars/engine/transmissions I have NO IDEA why they do anything. They had a helluva sweet turbo setup for the 3800 and killed it. They have a finally reached a really good design, they finally get it fully tweaked and then the drop it. It just seems that way, but once perfected it's head goes on the blacklist.
                              It\'s ugly, and turbocharged!
                              264 HP and 284 ft/lbs at the wheels(@9psi), power curve like none other!
                              And the transaxle to get it to the ground!


                              • #30
                                What do you want to know? I don?t want to advertise on the forum and I have tried to write a quick response but every time it turns into a history of the 4t60-e or 4t65-e .

                                So I will try and keep my responses short and neutral.

                                Remember I sell parts so I will not give away my sources.


