I've got a 94 Beretta that has a clunk in the rear end. I checked the rear end and the coil spring insulators are totally worn through. I called the local parts stores and none of them list rear coil spring insulators. I called a GM dealer and found out the upper insulators are N/A and the lower insulators are replaced with the axle assembly. Does anyone know if and where I can purchase replacement rear coil spring insulators for a 94 Beretta?
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Coil Spring Insulators
RE: Coil Spring Insulators
Nope, they're DEFINITELY available separately, I ordered them for my '89 beretta from the dealer and that has the same axle as your '94.
Also, the clunk i had in the rear end of my beretta was a failed shock mount, you might try checking them.
Cliff Scott
89 BerettaGT
04 AleroGXCliff Scott
89 BerettaGT
04 AleroGX