So my cousin recently bought a 83 firebird, 2.8 carbed, 4 speed car. The old iron head motor is old andc tired, and he wants some more seat of pants kick while also having half decent gas milage and cheap insurance. I suggested that we drop a 3.1/3400 hybrid into it.
While most will say top simply drop a 350 sbc into it, we were thinking a more unconventional route. A 3.1/3400 hybrid would be a noticable increase in power, gas milage, and reliability. I know i can drop the motor in no problem. I have quite a bit of exp. with 2nd gen cavaliers. The wiring is the troubling part to me.
I guess putting a Jbody computer into it would work, I was wondering if there was any other altrernatives. If i could possibly retrofit the car with the electronics i should be good. So if anybody has any suggestions, feel freee to share them. Thanks!
While most will say top simply drop a 350 sbc into it, we were thinking a more unconventional route. A 3.1/3400 hybrid would be a noticable increase in power, gas milage, and reliability. I know i can drop the motor in no problem. I have quite a bit of exp. with 2nd gen cavaliers. The wiring is the troubling part to me.
I guess putting a Jbody computer into it would work, I was wondering if there was any other altrernatives. If i could possibly retrofit the car with the electronics i should be good. So if anybody has any suggestions, feel freee to share them. Thanks!