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2003 3400 into a 2000 Montana?

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  • 2003 3400 into a 2000 Montana?

    I have installed a low milage 3400 engine from a 2003 Montana into a 2000 montana. Overall, the van seems to start and run good but the idle seems a little rough (when warm). After doing the idle learn procedure and driving it a bit, I did an OBDII scan and found the LTFT to be around (-13%) at idle. So now I'm trying to determine why I have a rich condition. Note: there are no codes or SES light.

    For the swap, I used the PCM, PCM Harness, MAF, and O2 sensor(new) from the 2000. All other sensors, injectors, etc. are from the 2003. I noticed that the injectors for 2003 are a different GM part number than for the 2000. I did some research and the limited info I found was that they are the same flow rate and impedance was within .2 ohms. Can anyone verify that the 2003 injectors are OK to use with the 2000 PCM? Also, is the pinout for the large connector on the injector/Cam Pos Sensor harness the same for the 2003 as the 2000 (I'm using the 2003 injector/cam pos harness plugged into the 2000 PCM harness)? Are there any other issues I should be addressing for the swap? I just want to make sure I havn't overlooked something obvious before I start diagnosing it.

    Here are some of the typical values I'm seeing in the scan during idle in park:

    Airflow: .51
    Load: .27%
    LTFT: -13.1%
    STFT: -1 to 1%
    MAP: 11
    RPM: ~650
    Timing: 17-22 deg
    IAT: 80 degF
    TPS: 0%
    Coolant Temp: 210 degF

    Thanks for any input you might have.

  • #2
    I believe the cam position sensor changed in 2003, didn't it? I just yanked a set of 01 injectors out, I was under the impression that all the 00-05 injectors were the same?


    • #3
      The 03 got a different cam sensor setup but I thought they were all compatible. If it wasn't you would have an error code now for the cam pos sensor. Injectors should be the same for all multec 2 3400s. No clue on the wiring but if there was a problem you should have thrown a code by now for whatever would be wrong.

      It could very well be nothing wrong at all.

