Have 98 Malibu. I did 3400 swap. Everything is peachy keen.
However, I am still using the 3100 PCM.
The 3400 PCM looks like it will plug in. Will this work, or will my cluster light up like a X-Mas Tree?
I would like to have the better fuel curve and such. I ordered a Pro-M Maf for a 99 Grand AM. However it doesnt work. (Idles fine, no check light, partial throttle ok, full throttle feels like I am hitting speed governor?) Pro-M said I need it calibrated for the Malibu. ASE is no longer around. Does anyone offer tuning for newer GM PCM? Friends have tuned Honda's with S-AFC and such, and get huge results. I feel that I could get a lot more with better tuning, which is almost impossible to do with this PCM. ANyone have any other suggestions
