I hope to use the buick ecm when I'm all done... but I havent had the time to test it again... I should soon so it would all be stock equipment, but from a different car thats all.
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v6 engine swap - not the other topic
i have an advantage over all of you it seems, my brother in law does the programming for dhpI am looking into getting a cheap 3100 car and doing the 3400 swap, but right now i am stuck with a geo (please dont laugh too much) till my new job comes through, and my taxes come in.
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing the right way.
decided not to swap but to do a hybrid. I'm gotten the upper manifolds, fuel rails, injectors from a 01 lumina and a 3.4 venture and am gonna keep it simple.
ps the engine i had that was the purpose of the thread is now back to life after 2 months