Some of the stock starters (usually the older ones) are larger... in all dinmensions... The little one in the picture is the newest design... Possible that it might fit w/o modifications..
Cliff Scott
89 BerettaGT
89 Volvo740
Cliff Scott
89 BerettaGT
89 Volvo740
Could be true, I'm using an old style starter. Seems I read somewhere about the existance of an aftermarket starter that didn't have much of a nose on it that might work as well. The modification to use the old starter just involves grinding off some material inside the left starter pocket...about a 1" by 1" area.
I can also tell you that the shifter on the T5 I'm using comes up through the stock location on the MGB but I had to cut and weld the shift lever at an angle so that it would be centered in the hole and shift into all gears without interference on the sides of the hole.