I recently purchased an Ext Crank Sensor to put on a 3500 that I dropped into a 99 Malibu that orig had a 3100. I fabricated a plate for the ORIG 3100 TB (before I found this site
and I also rewired the MAP senosr and used the existing 3500 one. I also changed the EGR vaccum plug to use the 3500 set up. Extended the Water Temp sensor to the one in the HEAD. I used a new CAM SENSOR (3100 style to match wiring) under the PS Pump. I also swapped the HARM. BAL and installed a new 24x sensor behind the Balancer since I had it off. I used the 3100 IGNITOR/Coils, fuel rail and all other sensors and wiring harness. All that to just ask why it may not be running smoothly. It is difficult to start, sometimes feels like it is backfiring. I have adjusted the 7x external trigger from 0 to 7 BTDC and it still runs ROUGH. I get codes from ECU stating MALFUCTION with IGN CONTROL module or misfire. IDLE tends to migrate between 1k and 3k (always ROUGH). I replaced the IAC hoping to help, no diff. What is the GAP on TRIGGER I should have. Currently at .40 MM. What DEGREE is recommended ( 0 ) per the guide on the bracket? Is the 7x sensor TOO CLOSE to the HARMONIC BALANCER do I need to use another washer to push it out further to the EDGE of the wheel (maybe it is too close to HARM BAL??). Is the CAM different on the 3500 so the CAM sensor is not FINDING TDC. I have searched the site and reviewed all of the conversions, can you suggest anything on what I have overlooked to make the 3500 work in the 3100/Malibu? Do I have the EXT CRANK TIGGER installed correctly. I even swapped the IGNITOR for a new one and no difference (luckily the took it back
When it runs, it feels as if one cylinder is missing really bad - engine shakes badly. I put stobe on and point to the EXT WHEEL of the new trigger set up and it jumps around alot. Strange thing is I am on #1 wire and expect the DOUBLE notch to stobe next to the sensor but it is actually OFF by a NOTCH. STRANGE, from best I can tell from Looking at the 3100 crank, the double notch indicates TDC for #1( and 4). Could be normal but did not think it would fire that much BTDC, but I have never used one of these EXT TRIGGERS and this could be normal.
Also it appears the ECU is cycling all the sensor. The AC clutch kicks on and off sporadically (even though the FAN/AC are off). I hear a DISTINCTIVE CLICK but cannot make out from where (not the AC CLUTCH - some other click) and engine almost dies and then recovers and runs enen rougher for a bit. When I am sitting in the car, it appears the BATT light will flash on and off when this CLICK happens. About 50% of the time, the click will cause the engine to immediately Die and backfire.
Can someone provide feedback on what the 24x sensor manages. Even though NEW, could it be bad. Is the woodruff key oreintation on the crankshaft different on the 3500 then 3100 therefore the 24x is off cause the HARM BAL is not positioned correctly. (the site forums say just SWAP the HARM bal. so I assume they would be the same):confused.
I am using the 3100 wiring harness and ECU, do i need to change it out for something else?? The install was easy as all the SWAP forums indicate but getting it to run correctly has me dumbfounded and needing some help.

When it runs, it feels as if one cylinder is missing really bad - engine shakes badly. I put stobe on and point to the EXT WHEEL of the new trigger set up and it jumps around alot. Strange thing is I am on #1 wire and expect the DOUBLE notch to stobe next to the sensor but it is actually OFF by a NOTCH. STRANGE, from best I can tell from Looking at the 3100 crank, the double notch indicates TDC for #1( and 4). Could be normal but did not think it would fire that much BTDC, but I have never used one of these EXT TRIGGERS and this could be normal.
Also it appears the ECU is cycling all the sensor. The AC clutch kicks on and off sporadically (even though the FAN/AC are off). I hear a DISTINCTIVE CLICK but cannot make out from where (not the AC CLUTCH - some other click) and engine almost dies and then recovers and runs enen rougher for a bit. When I am sitting in the car, it appears the BATT light will flash on and off when this CLICK happens. About 50% of the time, the click will cause the engine to immediately Die and backfire.
Can someone provide feedback on what the 24x sensor manages. Even though NEW, could it be bad. Is the woodruff key oreintation on the crankshaft different on the 3500 then 3100 therefore the 24x is off cause the HARM BAL is not positioned correctly. (the site forums say just SWAP the HARM bal. so I assume they would be the same):confused.
I am using the 3100 wiring harness and ECU, do i need to change it out for something else?? The install was easy as all the SWAP forums indicate but getting it to run correctly has me dumbfounded and needing some help.