Originally posted by Canyonero
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Also the hammer trick worked on the vavles but I have questions now. I have all of the parts out. I have put a new seal on the lowest groove in the valve stem leaving the top groove open for the keepers. Im fine with that but I need to know what all I put on now. With the stock parts it looks like there is a part on every other valve called the oil shield....well my retainers will not fit with those...is it fine to not use these? Also there is some sort of metal insert on the inside of the stock springs that does not seem to come out very easy. The new valve spring do not have that but rather they have some thing that looks like a spiral reinforcing insert on the inside. Do I need to use that stock peice? It seems like all that fits well together are the new springs, new retainers and the keepers. Is it fine to just put it together like this or do I need the oil shield and the insert on the inside of the stock valve spring? Here is a pic of the parts.