Originally posted by IsaacHayes
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Actually it appears the sensor does work. I didn't have the ground wire connected and when I supplied it with power the ecm went into closed loop and held it for about 95% of the data log which was about 3 minutes long. A code 45 set for rich condition and the integrator bottomed out several times at 76. The BLM didn't move much but then that may have had something to do with the rpm level which was mostly above 2K.
I checked Tunerpro updates today and did not see an 08 correction. I do have 4.14 something.
I'm having a bit of trouble with the alternator. I installed a little 5v regulator today and it appeared the voltage went up a bit more over 13v but later on it started registering in the 12 v range on the datalog. I'm not sure if I damaged the alternator with the 12v feed or if the regulator is not carrying enough amperage which I doubt. I'll have to take it and have the system checked.
Mean while, I rigged the oil filter relocation adaptor by putting a layer of aluminum inside the threaded hole to tighten it on the nipple since GM decided to throw a curve and put an odd thread pattern on it that doesn't fit the available adaptors properly. As you can see in the picture it blue it off while revving around 6k and it's a blessing that it happened in the drive way and that the car didn't go up in flames because the oil doused one of the glasspacks. I'll check into have an extra adaptor tapped with the proper threads in the morning. That incident suggests my oil pressure gauge is way off and that the 80 psi I saw at one point is actually correct and the low 40 and below reading is the result of a bad sensor that's fluctuating as it has done for a while now, at least I hope.