Well, I went through a couple months ago and fine-tuned the sensor sample rates and got rid of the TPS and MAP spikes to get a nice flat signal. And my TPS wiring isn't anywhere near any plug wires. Only my 7x is... The TPS wire runs down the driver's front of the engine under the crank pulley, and down by the starter (RWD, remember) before coming up and joining the rest of the engine harness. The plug wires run around the back of the upper plenum.
It still seems like the engine doesn't like AE at all. Not sure what was with the WUE but it's gone now. I can get her to start pretty quick as long as she's not hot...
Now I'm just waiting on the fuel pressure regulator diaphragm I ordered on SUNDAY to show up... Supposedly wasn't shipped until Thursday and it's coming from Indiana... Anyways, the cheapo diaphragm in my FPR has gone bad and is spewing fuel into my intake. Between the excess fuel and the low injector pressure, my engine is running like crap over 2000 RPM loaded...
Bought and installed a set of 22# Ford injectors to replace the Multitecs I had installed. We'll see what happens... Runs great at idle, even with the low fuel pressure, so we'll have to wait and see what happens when I get the FPR fixed.
:edit: Also bought and installed a NEW IAC. Had to set the IAC steps quite a few points higher but the IAC is still acting the exact same as the old one... It still seems like it's not moving at all when cold (idle speed GOES UP) and working fine when hot...
It still seems like the engine doesn't like AE at all. Not sure what was with the WUE but it's gone now. I can get her to start pretty quick as long as she's not hot...
Now I'm just waiting on the fuel pressure regulator diaphragm I ordered on SUNDAY to show up... Supposedly wasn't shipped until Thursday and it's coming from Indiana... Anyways, the cheapo diaphragm in my FPR has gone bad and is spewing fuel into my intake. Between the excess fuel and the low injector pressure, my engine is running like crap over 2000 RPM loaded...
Bought and installed a set of 22# Ford injectors to replace the Multitecs I had installed. We'll see what happens... Runs great at idle, even with the low fuel pressure, so we'll have to wait and see what happens when I get the FPR fixed.
:edit: Also bought and installed a NEW IAC. Had to set the IAC steps quite a few points higher but the IAC is still acting the exact same as the old one... It still seems like it's not moving at all when cold (idle speed GOES UP) and working fine when hot...