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I figure I'll awaken this thread that start a new on the same topic. Is this software still available on this site to download? The links seem broken now with the recent forum upgrade. Man, I hope it is because I just bought a DHP but it came with no software... and I signed up for powrtuner.com but cannot access anything still.
I'm not sure if you can DL the software here, i know i downloaded everything i needed there in a matter of 3 minutes though, that site is a complete pool of knowledge (as is this site). Your best bet is to just wait a couple of days to get access to the DHP forums, DL everything you need and search search search. Most everything is sticky'd to get started
'96BerettaZ26- Med Adriatic Blue- FINALLY swapped '04 Impala 3400, Comp Cam, Comp 26986 springs, TCE lifter springs, WOTTECH Comp ported U&LIM, TCE 65MM TB, LM 4t60e~~~Looking for 3400 Downpipe
I figure I'll awaken this thread that start a new on the same topic. Is this software still available on this site to download? The links seem broken now with the recent forum upgrade. Man, I hope it is because I just bought a DHP but it came with no software... and I signed up for powrtuner.com but cannot access anything still.
PM Eddie with who you bought the unit from. He should then unlock your account.
That works too... LOL, but gaining access to the PT board will still be nice.
x2. But I've waited three days and didn't want to wait any longer to make sure it seemed to work ok. I still need on there to learn how to use it though.
Jesse M.
3x 1990 Turbo Grand Prix
1987 Monte Carlo SS Aerocoupe
x2. But I've waited three days and didn't want to wait any longer to make sure it seemed to work ok. I still need on there to learn how to use it though.
Hey guys! I just purchased a DHP and I was trying to join powrtuners.com. unfortunatley, the validation email system is broken on the forum and I can't get my account validated. (I tried several email accounts, thinking it was my gmail that was the problem. I even checked my spam and trash folders.. nothing)
But at least with some searching, I found this site! Can someone point me in the right directions to get BINs, and some reading material so i can tech myself how to use this thing?
our downloads area has a bin section, and we could really use more to cover as many vehicles as possible. I believe all the grand am files are GT, not SE.
our downloads area has a bin section, and we could really use more to cover as many vehicles as possible. I believe all the grand am files are GT, not SE.
I have a very large pack with about 85-90% of the bins that DHP has mapped... Let me know what you need and I'll see if I have it.
I need to see if the grand am SE code is really different than GT.
2000 Grand Am GT 2011 Chevy Impala
"The world's best cam combined with a poor set of heads will produce an engine that's a dog. But bolt on a set of great heads even with a poor cam, and that engine will still make great power." ~John Lingenfelter