Need help!!!! I hate my cam!
Best run last night at epping was a 14.67@94.12mph, now when I leave the line the car feels slow and then wakes up... it feels like a vtak in a honda.
r/t .103
60' 2.19
330 6.18
1/8th 9.458
MPH 75.53
1000 12.272
1/4 14.673
MPH 94.12
In my logs my a/f on the wideband drops to 13.4 at 11mph and doesnt pick back up to 12.7 till 25mph... I've upped the AE table quite a bit and I think I can see that change right off the line... But what do I need to do to fix 11mph to 25mph?
Last run was 14.68@94.18
r/t .142
60' 2.21
330 6.200
1/8th 9.474
MPH 75.57
1000 12.285
1/4 14.685
MPH 94.18
Attached are the two logs. Any help greatly appreciated
Best run last night at epping was a 14.67@94.12mph, now when I leave the line the car feels slow and then wakes up... it feels like a vtak in a honda.
r/t .103
60' 2.19
330 6.18
1/8th 9.458
MPH 75.53
1000 12.272
1/4 14.673
MPH 94.12
In my logs my a/f on the wideband drops to 13.4 at 11mph and doesnt pick back up to 12.7 till 25mph... I've upped the AE table quite a bit and I think I can see that change right off the line... But what do I need to do to fix 11mph to 25mph?
Last run was 14.68@94.18
r/t .142
60' 2.21
330 6.200
1/8th 9.474
MPH 75.57
1000 12.285
1/4 14.685
MPH 94.18
Attached are the two logs. Any help greatly appreciated